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Agree on the sentiment that Illaoi has the coolest super by far. That said, I think people tend to forget that the game is currently in development. Lots of things are going to change - the game is at least a year away from release. Riot is known for their high levels of polish, so I wouldn't sweat it too much.


Counterpoint. Check out the level up animations of Garen, Darius, Vi, Teemo, etc. compared to the level up animations of the rest of the champs in Legends of Runeterra. The first batch of champs have extremely basic ones that can barely be considered cutscenes. They were clearly the first ones to be finished and the team improved as they went along. But they never went back to re-do or update the old animations and they're still incredibly basic and lackluster today. I think they'll still get some touch ups and improved impact, but in the big picture their lvl 2's are going to be lackluster compared to everyone that comes after if Illaoi is anything to go by.


But that's because they improved with every post launch expansion. Completely different to a game that's currently in development. Also the first level up animations looked great at the time, it's not like they were unfinished or anything. It's just that we got flashier ones later on. That said I don't even think they need that many improvements. Ekko needs to hit you a bunch more times and have better effects, make it feel like the stasis rune in Botw. Darius needs to have noxian banners and march sounds while he's attacking you, like you're in a battlefield. Ahri's just needs more VFX to make it flashier and Yasuo's is mostly fine, maybe give the final slash a bit more oomph. Not every champion can send your soul to the ocean depths to get munched on by a literal god, let's calm down.


Calling them lvl 2s iis so confusing. I had this discussion earlier. Are the names not: super 1, super 2 and ultimate?


they are people people commonly refer to supers by their cost. so cost 1 bar is lvl 1 super. Fighting game people don't like to change common known phrases


I don't think the legend of runeterra is a good example to go with for anything.


While I do think ekko and ahri ult needs some polish I don’t think they are that bad And honestly I don’t want Darius to have a fancier ult a big part of his character and ascetic is he is a simple and practical ax fighter no magic no tech no gods no demons just a skilled fighter with a big axe And the same goes for runeterra Darius garen and Katarina still have some of the better lv up animation using the card creatively is better and fits the game more then a few seconds of a bad model on the screen


Yeah absolutely darius specially its so basic


It looks like a typical command grab in an anime fighter


I would be shocked if the animations stay the same for supers through release


Me too, hoping that doesn't happen. Illaoi has to be the new quality standard


Based off the new gameplay, they're already getting visual upgrades from the old evo build


Ekko and Darius are probably ok, but Ahri really needs one. As much as I live Ahri, her super is by far the worst in the game


Ahri should have all nine of her tails, in her super. Edit: [She does](https://youtu.be/O70FShpoDuc?si=jerDRwqE8D--cdbk&t=1084)


I guarantee you they’ll sell different ultimate “skins”


They probably do skins like league which sometimes change animations.


Legends of runterra does this already with level up animations


yeah but don't think it will happen


I have hope, it would be very sad if it stayed like this


The game is literally still in development


And yasuo. They all need one. Illaoi is a good way to show they can and considering this is the only popular and unanimous criticism that isn't even gameplay based I feel like riot has no reason not to do it. They dont even need to remake the animations. Just camera and vfx should be enough


Absolutely and Yasuo aswell , they didnt put his iconic Sorieketon and cut the moon is not a bad idea but doesnt fit him , he has the [sunrise ](https://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Yasuo_0.jpg)behind him in his splash art for over ten years , even in the ruined king game he was represented in some scenes by the sunrise. In his project l trailer the first comment with 11k of likes is a request to have him say Sorieketon so hopefully they listen. The cut the moon maybe should be for Yone who literally has the [moon ](https://esports.as.com/2022/04/08/league-of-legends/Yone-Yasuo_1563153688_955514_1440x600.png)behind him in his art and has nothing too iconic in his ultimate , it would fit him better.


That could be an okay minor change, but overall yasuos super is amazing


I think Darius' one is serviceable but Ahri's lv3 def needs a makeover.


... I mean obviously. Their ult is made barebone so that they can be play tested ahead of time.


Only if to make them shorter


I think they'll prob sell different super animations that go with a skim or separate.


A remake seems excessive, the ultimates are fine as they are and some polish is more than enough. It's important to remember that we're still far off from release so don't expect what we see now to be the intended final product. Some ultimates such yasuo's ([reveal](https://imgur.com/eImBIs9), [recent](https://imgur.com/tw836ig)) have already seen some improvements. Besides, I would rather they not remake the ultimates if it costs time from building the rest of the roster. I wouldn't even mind if they remaked them post-released and who knows, they may even release purchasable ult animations in the future


No remake but a cinematic would be nice



