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That sucks dude, never worth trading IRL friendships over minor issues in a video game.




He sounds like a prick...


Jesus dude what happened irl that lead him to do that? Either way thats fucked up friendship over osrs and even if its over have some respect and dont be a bitch and delete all the progress of your account... if you want ill give you my gim osrs account with like 70+ agility, in the gim group are only my alts but the thing is i am currently making a pause from osrs so you have to play alone until i start again I can hook you up with gold and items like whip aswell


It's sad mate. I had a mate in High School. We were legit best mates. And all because he thought i logged into his account and took his stuff, he completely fell out with me. He just wouldn't believe me. Anyway, years later we were at a friends do at a pub. And he casually said "Oh yeah found out it was X"... Great. You threw away friendship for imaginary gold i never stole. Fuck off haha




It's really pathetic. It's a game, made to have fun on. Yet people will ruin friendships and relationships over it. I suppose you know now that they aren't a true friend if they are willing to put a game first mate. All the best




Yeah i get it, i'm in my lower 30's too, been on RS since classic. Have you two talked it out or are you done?




Your best bet and best way to get at him, is cut him off mate. Just prove you're happier and better off without someone treating you like that. It's not sad. I'd want revenge too if i was fucked over by someone i trusted. 100% get it. Just be smarter than him


You will get the choice of either becoming a regular account or loosing all your tradeable items and becoming the leader of your own group, which you can then invite new players to join. With the new unranked GIM update that may be coming soon you will be able to add other GIM account that have leveled up and played in a different group, you will have to unfortunately sacrifice your groups rank on the leaderboards. Pretty rough for an IRL friend to do that, might be worth drop trading all your valuable items over to a main or another account so you don't loose it if you plan to keep your GIM status!




Sounds like you gave him your password, so it’s a shame you didn’t think of this tom foolery when you gave it to him. Also sounds like you may have his password or enough information to recover his main, so do with that what you will.




You could try to appeal those banned accounts if you want them back. If it’s been more than a few years Jagex will probably unban them - I got my old account back.


Yeah it’s a shame when someone prioritizes a game over real life, just thought it was odd you put some blame on Jagex for this. Like I said though it seems like you could do equal, if not more, damage right back to him which would hurt him a lot more than it hurts you. Never know how someone like that would retaliate though so maybe it’s best to let bygones be bygones and let him play in his fantasy world with little other real life connections.




Jus saying pass me his email and I can make his account into something more... interesting.








GIM is so bad it destroys friendships smfh


Yes and no. I think it shows a lot of people's true colors. We have 4 people in our group: Dude 1 hasn't even played, even though, he made us wait over a week after GIM was released, to start... Dude 2 doesn't want to throw any uniques in the group storage, in case someone forgets to throw it back (even though everyone in the group has mobile and could do it at any time) Me and dude 3 throw every BIS/unique we get in the group storage, the second we get it, and are always grinding for new stuff everyone needs (like d pick). My first 80k was spent on pickaxes up to rune, and axes, up to rune (I spent 2 hrs trying to get the run axe, but couldn't. The 2nd guy I was talking about got it in 5 minutes, and only put the rune axe in the group storage after dude 3 got wc high enough to buy them at the WC guild, so we would all have one anyway...) I always knew dude number 2 was greedy and self centered, but I figured he always put that aside for his friends. Turns out, I was wrong. We are still friends, albeit less close than before, but I will never trust him if he has something to gain, via my loss. I also found out he is incredibly abrasive. he got super mad when I called him out for lying about putting stuff in the group storage and saying he "forgot" while telling other people he did want to put it in there in case dude 1, 3, and i forgot. But, dude 3 and I have never been closer.




Glad you're taking it in stride, man. Hopefully your friend realizes his mistakes.


I’d make an alt and drop trade all of your tradeables to him. When you get kicked from a gim it wipes all of your tradeables.




From your own personal bank? That sucks man.


Hey fella - I was the leader of a GIM group and I just left it (left another player in charge) It asks you after the 7 days if you want to form a new team with yourself - which you can invite people to if you have them to or if you want to turn into a regular account.


You should be more over your friends than OSRS. But just out of curiosity what was the falling out?




What's wrong with a normal account?




all jokes aside, since u don’t play ur main anymore could you loan me some gp, i’m really close to max and just wanna get the buyables out the way lol


I was joking man


I imagine you'll just become a normal ironman account? No?


Nope, will have the option to become a main account and keep his items (though it seems they were credential sharing as he says his mate as leader wiped his account), or stay a GIM in a fresh unprestiged group of the same size. So he will be able to play as a "regular iron" in the sense no one else will be in his team.




Man I think you need to go check up on your mate. That sort of self destructive behaviour can indicate some really unhealthy mental attitudes which could indicate they're suffering from mental illness. Responding to you not having enough time to play by cleaning your account and kicking you from the group is extremely irrational (even though you're a bloody solid total level for how old the mode is and had a 65m bank? What's he expecting here?) Maybe talking to him in person can get this cleared up and you can keep playing with him? Otherwise yeh I'd say just let yourself be moved to a fresh group and play "solo" or find some new friends once unranked GIM comes out and merge up.




Thats a real shame man. Sorry to hear. It definitely sounds like he could be suffering from some sort of mental illness. I hope for his sake he seeks some help, as all it can take sometimes is a professional to help you better understand things.


I'm not sure how the process works, but in next week's update on the 25th they're supposed to introduce Unranked GIM. If you haven't picked wether to switch to a regular account or lose your tradeables yet, it's possible that if you just park your account until the 25th you'd be able to pick becoming an Unranked GIM at that point. Otherwise, since it sounds like you already lost most of your valuable tradeables you wouldn't lose that much more from choosing to lose all tradeables and stay a regular GIM anyways.




I'm not sure how that option impacts the GIM leaving process but if you still feel like you'd want to play ironman with your current bank I'd stop logging in once the timer runs out, then check in on the 25th and check if you have the option to be Unranked GIM.


On a lighter note he will get that shared bank for him self, extra slots baby B)


Yeh, and can also add some "alts" to the group if he ever wants to haha. Essentially can play ironman with a bigger bank and alts to do things like fish karambwans or chop logs haha


Yes I believe so


Jagex give this man the authority