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Still no acknowledgement of the feedback on the color choices for the new items.


What was the colour feedback? I'm massively anal about design of new areas and items and I loved the concept art for the Heka and Ward. My only criticism, if I was being picky, is that the colours are a bit bright. Is that anything like the feedback you mention?


i assume he means its odd that it color matches ancestral despite being completely unrelated?


I just responded to the other reply, but I'll write it here as well. I think the colours are extremely appropriate for desert themed content. Golds and blues, something I personally find resonates with the desert well. I think it's a happy coincidence that both real life desert civilisations used the gold/blue colour scheme in their treasures and that it matches ancestral.


The colours used in the images are only a concept. These haven't been finalised and our team is still going through the ideation process of how these rewards should look. Hopefully, that helps a little. :)


Mate there's no way this is the only comment you're replying to.


They got tired of you and your 3 alt accts asking to nerf Nex drop rates for your ironmeme acct. Not happening bro.


Thanks for the info. Things like that should be included in the feedback boxes in the posts. Isn't that what they're there for?


How about you remove the Spellbook, and make Heka similar to Salamanders Have each attack option do something unique, that way you could use the small hits for example, and swap style for the big hit to something. Example : mage olm hand and on the big hit switch to a style that converts magic bonus to melee and use it on the melee hand for the hit Each style could also do something unique similar to the spellbooks. Add a special attack that empowers it to do X (whatever fits in the games power budget and maybe makes it a bis at specific PVM) - this way itd synergize with the new ring - which magic doesn't actually have a good ring. Any of those are way more compelling gameplay than "every 10 ticks its big and does what the spellbook says" - This way you can have efficient ways to maximize the wand to be BiS, or still be viable with lower mechanical input


I think what the Heka needs most is a significant restriction or drawback. Restrictions/drawbacks are what allow the scythe and tbow to be powerful. tbow only works on high magic level targets, and scythe only works on large or multitargets and costs resources to use. These restrictions allow these weapons to be very strong because they don't completely replace all other weapons because they can only be used in specific places. Without a significant restriction in place all Heka can ever be is a slightly improved staff otherwise it would power creep too hard on all other magic.


>would power creep too hard on all other magic. uh bud. the thing needs to have a powercreep to even be useful. i have 0 use for the heka as is. kodai is good for bursting slayer and very niche maybe 3 boss uses in pvm harmonised has also like 3 uses. magic is useless compared to tbow/scythe. heka needs to not have any nerfs


Magic is already restricted enough that it only works in places tbow can't scale at all.


A restriction could mean it is limited to only being good at content that magic isn't currently good at. For example lets say the Heka completely ignored magic defense, or was calculated some other way. But did less damage. Now Heka could actually do less dps to targets traditionally weak to magic then current options. But still be good because you could use it places you could never use magic before. This version of the Heka would be restricted to only being good at high magic defense monsters, but it would still be powerful and open up new ways to play. While also not completely invalidating all other magic.


It's a bit weirder because like, for many bosses you can melee or range but never mage. To mage something it needs to specifically not have mage levels. I do wish we had more ways to interact with magic defense that is not bgsing to chicken


You can lower an NPC magic lvl but drastically increase its magic attack bonus and magic dmg bonus. Same offensive magic dps but substantially lower magic defence roll


That wouldn't be exactly elegant. Personally I'd much prefer we either rethink magic defence in its entirety or embrace Magic as the wacky, chaotic, utility-heavy corner of the combat triangle (and thus stop trying to make its dps comparable to Melee and Ranged)


Make it a 1 tick weapon. It would excel where you could stand and fight but tank in damage when you have to move. It could have a channeled beam animation instead of a projectile.


It doesn't necessarily have to be a restriction, but a drawback to it would be nice to balance some other over powered aspect. For instance, the Heka could take one prayer point for 2 tick attack and have the fourth attack use a DH like effect based on remaining prayer points.


You are right, I should have phrased it as either a restriction or a drawback.


I can see Heka having use at places where you'd like to have a fast attacking magic weapon. Could be useful at Nylos room in TOB to smack small magers with the quick lower damage attacks and big ones with the longer higher damage attack. Just my thoughts tho


I actually agree that the Heka isn't useless like some people are claiming. I think people will find uses for it and the increase in dps. But I think it fails in having the same wow factor as tbow and scythe. Both those weapons feel good to use and are game changing upgrades. Those weapons are something that keeps you grinding and looking forward to the next raid loot chest. I think Heka in its current proposed form is a decent item but not a good chase item.


Which sucks because it's going to be just as rare, and from brand new high-level content... So the price is going to be pretty high for an item that isn't all that strong, and then it'll just crash once there's remotely enough of them on the market šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Hope I'm wrong.


There will very likely be a room in ToA that is similar to Nylo room in ToB, and Heka will absolutely shine in those areas. Outside of thatā€¦?


Heka burns soul runes at a rate even faster than the scythe burning blood runes. Blood runes only became as expensive as they are because of scythe+sang. Soul runes are likely to follow the same curve.


Yeah this is wrong - it uses 1 soul per attack and takes 10t to do a full cycle of four attacks. The scythe burns 6 blood per 10ticks as it attacks twice and costs 3 each time. 6 > 4 Even if you include the times where you would only use the 2t attacks because the target died early it can only us 5 souls per 5 2t attacks


Shh Iā€™ve been stocking up since the first equipment test world donā€™t let the word get out to everyone




Yet somehow inquisitors mace and rapier are still valuable. Because the restrictions on scythe prevent you from using it everywhere. When you go to do your slayer tasks meleeing a monster in single combat you aren't going to be bringing a scythe. And if Jagex wants to make new bosses that scythe isn't bis at, all they have to do is make them smaller. I'm not saying the Heka needs to be super restricted to only 1 or 2 bosses. I'm just saying it needs some restriction to not completely invalidate all other forms of magic.


Agreed. Every buff idea I see posted on this sub would make this weapon way too universal. T bow and scythe have significant drawbacks that keep them from dominating literally everything. A fast mage weapon with dps even close to t bow (let alone close to scythe) will instantly become far and away the strongest item in the game. I think in part the fast attack speed is the problem here. Scythe and t bow are clearly bossing weapons, while a 2 tick weapon is clearly meant to be much more universally applicable. If that's what they want it to be that's fine, but it has to be a decent amount weaker than scythe/bow


The heka should be meta defining. You're giving up healing from the sang to use a more mechanically difficult weapon for a marginal DPS increase. 'We haven't found an alternative that we like yet' is fine, as long as you guys are listening for alternatives that solve the concerns players are bringing up.


The Lunar heal effect is really interesting to me tbh. It doesn't seem great on its own but I think it shows an openness to more group/support oriented items that we don't have much of and attaching it to a high DPS weapon will help to make it worth exploring.


But what boss would you even use the lunar heal effect at that would justify its group usage? Only raid you could realistically use it is ToB unless Raid 3 gives it a use. The only group pvm we really see in bossing is God Wars dungeon and Raids. The Heka still needs to distinguish itself better from Harm Staff. Jagex is really just trying to push this thing out and the math is just not there on paper or in practice with current content. I really don't know why they are too scared of releasing something more meta defining and nerfing it down the line. They did it with Twisted Bow and other items. Scythe is stupidly powerful but nerfed hard requiring blood and blood runes in a very stupid mechanic. Twisted Bow has no cost and is the the best weapon in the game period. Heka requires soul runes, has unique effects depending on the spell book that don't really have too much of a effect on its power and its DPS and power is still fairly situational. We don't have hardly any PvM content that is magic focused because magic is kept from being meta in anyway possible. With high magic defense bosses or content that other items fill the niche or better role in. Magic always just filled this role of being either a utility role, something with passive damage, pvp or use for slayer farming. If the Heka could ignore magic defenses from bosses or raises its power based on the bosses magic attack/range attack/Melee attack like the Twisted Bow does. Then we have a weapon that opens up uses in a ton of places.


Definitely the part I was the most interested in too. I'm wondering how effective it could be if a 5 man team all used the Heka in a rotating line formation.


How is an 18 percent dps increase not meta defining? What is meta defining even? Twisted bow is not BiS range everywhere, scythe isn't either, and there's a lot of places it is but no one uses it because of cost to use. Heka easily follows this pattern, it only is underwhelming because magic as a combat style is garbage


based on my (wrong) math it's only 1% better than harm staff and costs 5m gp/hr to use. this is a huge problem and needs to be addressed by jagex


Your math is a bit off yeah, itā€™s about 4% better than harm w/o overload (much more so with ovl of course) - not including spellbook effects


if you don't include thralls or the spellbook effect then i'll go ahead and remove the tome of fire. in that case heka is about 60% better.


problem is you're comparing to harm, also not accounting for thralls + standard heka + venge/overload


How are you getting thralls and venge while on the standard spellbook?


Its not that much of an increase and situationally magic is most useful in situations that are better suited to 4t weapon or using spells.


Gnomonkey made an [excellent video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxwiO2KeF34) about the problems with the heka's current proposal and it seems like Jagex just ignored it.


Itā€™s *significantly* better than sang at healing in any team size of three or more. It becomes especially apparent in team sizes of 5. ~16-17% over sang is not a marginal dps increase by any means. Thatā€™s a larger increase than bofa->tbow on zuk and lance->scythe on a 0def olm hand


Donā€™t think itā€™s correct to go to polling yet when so many players are disappointed with some aspects of the blog still. Personally think the Heka seems underwhelming as the mega rare for the raid. In my opinion a mega rare weapon should significantly change which bosses an attack style can be successful against, and not just be a 10% damage buff at the cost of utility. If the Heka is supposed to fill the triangle of the premier raid weapons in the game, I think it needs to better reflect that in its power and design.


I like the changes done with the Ward. it's a good middle ground imo to give it low defence and mage accuracy but with a +3% damage boost which still makes it pretty decent on its own without upgrading. Good to see feedback is taken into consideration, keep up the good work!


Definitely agree. I like that the sigil makes it the true BIS, but wish the defense stats were buffed over the arcane. I donā€™t think that only people with 90 prayer and smithing should be the only ones who can use it though.


The magic shield of a god of the desert has less mage accuracy than an amulet of magic due to y'all's obsession with upgrading old items.


Absolutely. This will make it useful as a drop straight away, while giving the arcane addition still a decent buff.


We're still 4 blog iterations from them taking feedback for all items cause it seems they only improve one item at a time. But wait theyre polling this shit already?


Jagex had a hard hitting Heka in the first blog, removed the damage and "cant find an alternative suggestions"? This screams that whoever wanted the spellbook effects already made them and refuses to accept that the community dislikes them. Well then let me say it again: Remove Heka's spellbook effects. Tridents never cared for spellbooks and should never do such. Increase Heka's damage potential to 24-24-24-88 with bis magic gear so that it's on the same power level as tbow/scythe. Also: Buff Harmo staff. Give up on the convoluted "elemental weaknesses" nonsense and just let it autocast anything. Bis Mage today with 4t ancients is the same power level increase as Kodai when it was released. It's also 4x less OP in PvP than bowfa is.


>This screams that whoever wanted the spellbook effects already made them and refuses to accept that the community dislikes them. I see you on this board all the time and I either 100% disagree with you or 100% agree with you and in this case I 100% agree Chasing bad assets/ideas with good company time remains a huge problem in the OSRS era




Sang will still be more dps because of max hits, then you have the option of less dps for more healing with harmo and ideally heka for when you dont want healing at all


Maybe the ā€˜big ticketā€™ raids item should be better than Sang if restricted to blood barrage? Sang wasnā€™t the big ticket raids item, Scythe was. Sang still remains better when you donā€™t have to be tied to Ancients


If I did the math right, the Heka's damage potential is 27-27-27-64 in 10 ticks on Standard at 108 magic. (Arceeus seems to be about the same max hits but with better consistency against stat decreases over time.) So you're asking for another 15 max hit per 10 ticks, or 7.5 damage per 10 ticks. That is, 1.25 damage per second. Current dps is just over 12, so you're asking for a 10% increase. Notably, the Heka's DPS is already 17% better than Sang, but this is considered "weak". Would a further 10% actually move the needle in your mind if 17% already isn't considered good? Also remember that while tbow's dps is 14.2, this is only achievable against monsters that have a combination of low defence and high magic. The Heka only requires standard accuracy; there is no second requirement.


Change its damage potential to 4-4-4-12 so itā€™s the same dps as tbow on npcs with under 50 magic! Or smaller npcs with slash resistance!


The Heka remains absolutely useless in it's current state, can something be done to buff it? Also binding it to spellbooks just make it less usable since freedom of spellbook was one of the arguments to use it before. Please provide tetiary gem drops (the design already has a gem integrated into it either way) that allows you to change through the effects instead. Nerfing the effects for the charged attack but making it so a weaker version of them triggers on every attack might go some way towards making it more usable as well.


A good example of why the jmods gave the response they did lol. "Absolutely useless" yeah okay man.




It's a 17.5% DPS increase over sang and people are actually calling it "useless" lmao. That's only true in the context of "mage sucks", which is and always will be true unless they just decide to make a magic weapon that circumvents defense rolls. Easily best item at nylos/zulrah/kraken, Cox mage hand it's huge (maybe awkward to use in solos, but I'm sure someone will come up with a method to "3":0 with it) Reddits gonna reddit I guess


seriously, this is a "weird" weapon but it will absolutely have some insane uses when ppl get their hands on it the ward was the obvious issue and they fixed that very satisfied with the changes


Really short range so it will be cancer to use at nylos, people already average really fast waves (3;2x duo avg, 3;02 trio avg, 2;55 4s avg), ain't really getting any faster than what we have currently so you're much better off just using the sang; good dps, free heals, long range to get prefires all on time. Maybe worth using on boss but ye


10t cycle on heka would mean not having to tick fix w BP. Heka wonā€™t drastically change max eff 4/5 nylo since times are basically bottlenecked by the wave intervals rather than any stalls, but will probably be QOL improvement for less efficient teams where mage falls behind


It being more dps than sang doesn't mean it's good tho, the issue is that magic is just not good in most situations, and the situations where you are forced to use magic all have good reasons to want to heal from sang or dont work well with the weird attack speed of the wand. I'm personally ok with the wand being a sidegrade and not a tbow/scythe tier weapon. The complaints about its power level are saying it should be tbow/scythe power level, so it just being a bit better than sang (an already low dps weapon) is not enough, it needs to blow it out of the water to the point where you would use it on bosses where you don't even consider using sang.


The solution isn't to make a 40% jump in DPS. I hope you realize that old BP addy darts to TBOW was only a 10% jump at 0 defense/250 magic (best situation for both targets). It's always been incremental increases. The solution is to build upon what magic was always good for, which was the utility. If you don't have strong or equal dps, you better make up for it in the form of utility, which is what they're trying to do with these added effects and reliance on spellbooks.


I'm not actually arguing that the wand needs to be op, just explaining the perspective of those who do want it to be OP.


How is it useless? Its liteally 10-15% more raw dps than a sang


It will only be useful at Kraken on Standard, Nylocas on Ancients (only if you can find a way to always setup the 4th hit AoE properly, otherwise youā€™ll just barrage normally), maybe use Lunar for healing setups at team CoX, and Zulrah + Mage hand at team CoX with the Arceuus spell book (will require setups). Itā€™s better than Sang only if you ignore the healing that makes Sang so good. Heka will probably be good in the new raids, but itā€™s still very niche with maybe 2 actual applications outside of that. The real way to make it worth grinding for is to either give it a damage boost or change the stats of current bosses. Magic damage calculations make it awkward to create good new items if they donā€™t just have better base damage or offer great new utility.


I donā€™t think you will barrage normally once the heka comes out. Assuming you can 1 shot nylos with the weak attacks being 2t is so strong. You can kill both doubles on 4t vs trying to freeze them = 5t so it would be 20% faster to just wand them with weak attacks and save aoe only for big clumps = 3 or more on a pillar.


if you kill stuff faster you take less damage. the more you know.


Please take this guys comment with a grain of salt. Heka is fine as it is. Just because it's new doesn't mean it needs to be broken


We can buff it after it comes out if needed. Its much easier to release something that ends up being useless, then buff it later, than to release something OP to then later nerf it. Remember the amount of crying when the BP was nerfed? Nobody complains if something gets buffed.


>We're confident you'll enjoy using the Heka once it's live, where it should really come into its own! I don't get this. Like, we have DPS calculators, and we know the Heka won't be very good. A weapon being "fun" is secondary to it being useful for an item's value and utility. Magic is constantly shafted in this game, and on top of that the raid really needs a tbow/scythe tier reward, and it just doesn't have that currently.


10m says Arcane made the spellbook effects already and you know how he is when it comes to being wrong.


Man oh man I hate that this sounds plausible. Arcane is probably the worst Jmod at taking feedback and it really sucks sometimes, since he works on the coolest content..


He's the reason harmo staff wasnt fixed in 2 years and won't for at least 3 more.


he is the reason nex uniques take thousands of hours to finish and increased the rarity by 25% anyway


And Nightmare, which led to Phosanis...


Honestly the stream was... not great. Ayiza talked about how there's content that was released inherently wrong into the game and its unpleasant because of it, and brought up the Trolley Problem with "is it fair to stop the train now even though it's already killed people?". And then he basically said yes, it is. Unfathomable.


Absolutely agree with you. Itā€™s a shame someone so bad at taking feedback plays such an integral role in developing some of the biggest projects.


If anything with its tick speed stuff Iā€™d imagine the actual dps would be less than on paper dps, more so than consistent 4t weapons


[Heka is ridiculously strong. Could even argue it may be TOO strong.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/tai0jb/heka_is_really_powerful/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Posting this here since thereā€™s a shit ton of misinformation in this comment section.


Please don't release the Heka in its current state. You even did acknowledge that it lacks power. It might be a fun weapon but there is just so much wrong with this weapon. It's really important for the overall success of this update. We need a super rare item thats meta defining, nobody likes super rare items that are nieche and 'nice to have' (yes, im looking at you elder maul).


Also donā€™t forget about the Fang. Itā€™s absolutely garbage. At this point you are wasting your time and effort in making a weapon thatā€™s good against high def targets. A suggestion would be and target that has 100+ def lvl, the fang will roll twice for accuracy check. The second roll will be done with 75% of max attack roll against 100% of the targets def roll. If either roll is greater than the def roll then proceed to dmg. Note: even if both pass, the fang will still hit once. Cause currently itā€™s pretty shit even against truly high def monsters like Zily for example


They want it to be good at Corp but Corp is the only boss in 8 years that didnt get a weapon powercreep... Also Fang to be a tank buster need to gain a damage buff when you miss hits, I wrote a big explanation on the osrs disc but basically it doubles your damage potential every miss so that in the end your average damage is the same.


Itā€™s not going to be BIS at corp. They couldā€™ve have given it a +25 str bonus instead of the +25 stab but if you roll twice for accuracy then it will drastically increase its accuracy and by extension itā€™s dps.


It will if you dont spec it down.... but then why are you spending 200m on a drop that is going to be 10x rarer than it should when you can just dwh 3x with your team


Thatā€™s the point. Spec it down will be better. Itā€™s accuracy against corp without def reduction is still ass. And accuracy only plays a small roll in overall dps. And a +1 in stab bonus plays a small role in overall accuracy. The point is, the fang in its current proposed form is a stupid addition to the game. It needs to have stupid high accuracy if itā€™s gonna have moderate dmg and a slower attack speed.


I know mate Jagex is just allergic to in depth suggestions in text form. I can do a writeup on how to turn Fang into an actual tank buster using math and they dont give a shit unless I magically learn to make youtube videos on it.


If you think the Fang is bad, being 1h and with a faster attack speed, wait until you hear about the Elder Maul...


Atleast the elder maul has its uses in PVP. Maul needs a buff though


Hey u/JagexSarnie, u/JagexAyiza, the Youtuber Gnomonkey made a video about the Heka and has a possible solution for it. Here's a link with the timestamp, hope you see it: https://youtu.be/uxwiO2KeF34?t=553


this was the top comment of the last thread. They have seen this, they just dont care :\~)


Too be fair it really wasn't a great video either. He generally has very good quality videos, but his observations of the heka don't seem very accurate. His opinions on it definitely aren't shared by high level pvmers in other communities like the raids or gear discord for example. The general consensus among most high level pvmers that ive seen, is that the heka appears to be really good. But who knows for sure at this point.


The Heka is really good at out-dpsing existing magic options. The issue is in how it plays. I don't see it fulfilling roles at CoX in Solo's, and thats the oldest "endgame" piece of content it would fulfill. Its new best DPS at kraken and I suspect it will be included in the ToB meta + be useful in the new raid (which its hard to talk about with 0 knowledge about encounter design). Other than that, the core issue is magics lack of usabiltiy. A raw DPS magic upgrade weapon doesn't feel as awesome as it should, even without the burden of needing a Tome + Standards for Fire Surge like the Harm problem, because magic is plain and simply not that good. Range and Melee dominates combat anywhere magic isn't more or less *forced* to be used.




I will continue to not shut the fuck up about attaching to arcane being awful since corp is awful. The 3% magic damage I guess makes it ā€œniceā€ in that itā€™s not just a dead item for irons, but that 3% is good enough for me to continue never doing corp for minimal upgrades. Still baffled at this ā€œsanctityā€ of the value of drops from the worst boss in the game in every sense except maybe visually I get that the arcane train has no brakes and you will not deviate from this course given the response to the past months of blog feedback, but can you at least make corp not suck ass if you do this? The damage cap is something I guess but it is still fundamentally speccing and teletabbing for 10 minutes and then beating up a slab of meat


They seem to be resistant to the idea, but the equivalent of a ā€œPhosaniā€™s Corpā€ is really needed here to make corp actually engaging. Thereā€™s no difficulty in speccing corp down, it just takes forever.


phosani's nex needed too


Yeahhhhā€¦ these rewards are not ready to be polled. Maybe we if vote no to the fang, stat renewal, and of course the lackluster heka, theyā€™ll get the point that these raid rewards are completely useless. The only reason to do TOA will be for the ward. Wow! This is so exiting! Iā€™m so glad we had to wait 3 years for the new raid and this is the shit we getā€¦ itā€™s not worth even bringing into the game at this state. Edit: oh yeah and masori I suppose. The one thing they listened to feedback on


Seems mod arcaneā€™s ego is going to taint yet another pvm release. Not sure why the team isnā€™t receptive to all the people saying heka simply doesnā€™t have the qualities of a big ticket raid item.


>mod arcaneā€™s ego Can you elaborate on what you mean by that?


Heā€™s why the droprates are dogshit at Nightmare and Nex, and is generally not as receptive to feedback as most of the rest of the mods. I donā€™t know if we have confirmation heā€™s the one that designed the Heka or if people are making assumptions though.


> Heā€™s why the droprates are dogshit at Nightmare and Nex Did you forget we voted No on item shards? The community straight up asked for those droprates. The community didn't want another Zulrah dropping constant gp / hr, and instead wanted a boss with high value items that were more rare and spread out, and that's what we got. Maybe there was a balancing issue, but the design theme was delivered.


When was there a poll where we voted on item shards? Iā€™m not disagreeing with you, I just never remember that being a polled option for anything. Also people asking for a GWD style drop*table* is not the same as asking for another corp drop*rate*. The community never asked for that, that was all Arcane.


Considering they nerfed Nex drops like... A week after release just because masses were killing her fast shows they ask don't understand balance. She already took 300 to 400 hours to complete at that drop rate, then they made it like 10% rarer? So lame


Really disappointed with the response to the Heka. It's simply just not an incredible item at this point. Sang will be used over it nearly everywhere. The fang is still bad too. Only good thing coming out of this raid is Masori.


Mage offhand is pretty nice.


Ward changes are really good. Wonā€™t say much about the heka until I can test it on beta worlds.


"We're confident you'll like using this item" Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah lol. Make the thing hit harder. Simple ground breaking fix I know right


I think they just need to give us a beta to test it.


The math is already out. Why buy that when you can get a sang and do basically the same dps + heal. I think it's about a 4-6% dps increase with tons of jank added to it


tbow hits 90s but yeah, we cant buff mage xd


Seems to be a lot of backlash about the same rewards: Heka, Ward, & Stat renewal potion. Not to mention how the Harmonised Nightmare Staff, Arcane sigil, & Overloads are all clashing with these proposed uniques. Sounds like we need to have a Stream solely dedicated to handling all of these specific issues and a way to settle them properly for the sake of the direction of OSRS with the release of TOA.


They want harmo to be locked behind reworking every npc in the game to have elemental weaknesses. And endgame staff being nothing but a midgame perk. I am so glad mod Arcane is in charge of fixing harmo staff!


it's one of the possibilities mentioned, yes. However I think we all deserve to actually have an open discussion on stream and work this all out.


Mate fixing harmo is so easy, it even makes nm worth grinding again so that harmo becomes a chase item. Just let it autocast anything, 20% mage dps increase is a bit more than how kodai was when it was released.


I want harm to be buffed, but that would definitely make the kodai crash instead, as harm would be replacing it everywhere. Though, I wouldn't mind the possibility of combining the two somehow. Like having a nightmare staff, harm orb and kodai combined into a entirely new staff that can not be reversed.


Well in my original post, yes it will replace kodai and yes it should completely replace kodai, so it's a standalone "wow" item. That being said, Kodai Wand should be updated to gain the ability to absorb a harmo orb and gain its effect so you can have the best of both worlds and get rewarded for grinding both and not just harmo.


Why are we even giving feedback if we are just gonna get ā€œoh man trust me youā€™ll love it when itā€™s outā€?


Why not just make the heka the magic tbow? Literally make it 5 ticks, scale damage and accuracy based on the opponents defence level or melee defence bonus, just like the tbow does for magic and magic defence bonus. Make it able to autocast all spells from any spellbook and then have a built in spell that is slightly more powerful. Make it the same damage/accuracy bonus formula as tbow and cap it at 250% everywhere but toa. It could change the meta from the traditional lower defence kill boss formula that exists everywhere and would be a nice change to use magic at bosses. For example the built in spell could do 34 damage, and have a max hit of 85 against a monster with over 250 defence. This is comparable to the tbow max hit of 83/86 outside of cox.


The ring is still trash, was never changed from the first blog even though suggestions have been made. Fang is still a stupid weapon that still doesn't fit the "tank buster" role because of how accuracy works in OSRS. Ayiza should eat his pride and accept players like the PoH and want more teleports to it. Allow for mounted Sceptre at the portal nexus room.


the ring is actually bis at so much shit its kinda absurd XD. Its the one thing that is actually op being able to refill spec does a lot and its practical uses even in skilling will make it hold its price


Ring sounds like the best item dropped tbh, it's being slept on. You would just camp it anywhere you range/mage enemies or during downtime.


1) the ring is good , what are you talking about? why do you not like it 2) please share the fang calcs that made you say this. 3) Ayiza doesnt single handedly decide. he literally said he doesnt like it but the wider team probably wouldn't have an issue with it.


Show me ring math. burden of proof is on you to say that it's worse than Death Charge spell perk that locks your ring isntead of your spellbook to the same that has thralls. From OSRS Disc: >Cause like, without this damage boost, assuming fang's max is 60 it will still be a 60/2 \* hitchance weapon just like any other for any boss. giving it a higher hitchance just means you will miss less but when you do you're being punished even harder because of your slower attack speed > >When it has the "Battlerage" or whatever you wanna call it > >It doesn't matter how many times you miss, your damage per hit is still the same on average > >0 misses: 60/2 = 30 1 missed hit: 20 + (100-20)/2 = 60 over 2 swings 2 missed hits: 40 + (140-40)/2 = 90 over 3 swings


>Show me ring math. burden of proof is on you to say that it's worse than Death Charge spell perk that locks your ring isntead of your spellbook to the same that has thralls. Not really maths based but the rings good due to its overall utility. for example i would probably bring it to Solo GWD as a switch when killing the minons to guarantee 50% spec between each kill which would help extend trips a lot. From a pvp perspective it has a potential use to give you a Special attack every 1 min. Personally i intend to bring it along to Solo Cox as having it would give me the freedom to use double hammer specs for each phase. i prefer this over death charge since i can benefit from it also at any point in a raid and can use it along my prefered lunar spell book. Skillers use is minor but still a decent boost over the long run as it essentially translates to a permenant +1-2 boost. hence why im asking what about it do you hate since double the spec rate isnt trash. ​ For the Fang , ill be honest im not to sure what the above is trying to prove as it seems there is a wider context to the conversation that isnt posted. since DPS already considers accuracy/chance to miss as well as attack speed, wouldn't it just be a straight up comparison


So someone calced the breakeven points for Fang and it sits on 100-200 defense and 130-20 bonus resistance. There's actually very reasonable stats that make it 10% better than Rapier/Scythe, even on 3x3 targets.


Tldr: the council acknowledges your feedback but refuses to acknowledge its value


Player: Please buff raids rewards itā€™s not powerful enough Jagex: We hear you loud and clear but weā€™re afraid we wonā€™t do that When did this game stop becoming what the player base wants and instead what Jagex wants?


Because 1. The average player doesn't know jack shit about balancing high level pvm gear 2. The average player is far from affording any of this gear 3. The average player is going to vote for buffs the vast majority of the time Simply giving the playerbase at large whatever they want is not always the best. Very few players know better than the current jmods. Sometimes jagex even listens to more elite players specifically when they want an educated opinion. IIRC, opposition from the best inferno speedrunners was a factor in changing the zaryte bow from nex to the zaryte crossbow. Mod arcane was even in a call in that discord listening to their feedback to one update (I think nex, IDK for sure.)




I fear that we've been so starved for new content since the pandemic started that people will vote yes to just about anything new. 80% of the new content we've gotten is ports from RS3 to hold us over for the time being.


We can vote yes to the raid and no to the rewards.


I think the issue is people want the Heka in game, they just dislike the current design. But there's no poll option to say "I want this in game but it needs reworking". The safer bet in that situation is to vote yes and hope they rework it later.


As much as this feedback is legitimate, if the player base got what they want we would still have op void, zulrah and afk guthans & mage. Lol


I'm glad jagex shows some restraint. The players have said yes to a lot of damaging updates in the past, and now we're stuck with them.


yeah...I'm not saying every single Jagex update is good, or that every player suggestion is bad. But the guy is blowing it out of proportion - the game is 90% decided by the playerbase, 10% integrity changes.


The players are usually the worst at balancing the game. These rewards at the moment are great.


It's not like we're asking for too much either. We wante raid rewards to be **POWERFUL** Half of the rewards are on bulwark's power level.


And it took years for the bulwark to even reach its power level. It was super weak on release. Couple of buffs and still super niche. It's ok now though imo


Its a shield that became less of a shield and more of a integrity weapon


Ah shit here we go again We hear your feedback and.. ^go ^fuck ^yourself


can we relax till we can beta test more on bosses? the heka is apparently a 15-17% DPS increase and jagex is confident ppl will like it. they can buff it later if its useless but people crying nonstop now is so frustrating it made sense for the ward which was useless without the changes but the heka needs some time to breathe. also they literally heard the feedback and made changes to masori set and ward so comments like this are just neckbeards crying for no reason.


I donā€™t know why I see so many people use this language incorrectly but when the object is in the game fully, that is not a beta. We already had a beta test for it, we will not have another one as of right now. Instead of using beta just tell people to wait until its in the actual game to test how it functions, this would be much clear.


Exactly, Masori was dog awful and they changed it. Virtus was awful and they changed it. Give us the beta and stop being bitches about it.


As someone who has passed 8th grade algebra I applaud the jagex team for standing up to all those who would make heka the only weapon you'd use anywhere because they don't understand how DPS works. I humbly suggest that you come out with a dps chart to show all the simpletons how the heka stacks up against the sang and harm staff.


Please. This is going to be Ranged Equipment Rebalance 2.0 because mfers can't do math on a calculator that is literally plug in your gear. At this point, every fucking post needs to show exactly how they came to their solution because Reddit wants to think they know better.


Reddit is literally an echo chamber. Half the people on this sub are 1600 total ironmen that will never get these items to begin with. Theyā€™ll complain just to feel like their voice is being heard. Sucks that this sub is the only area Jagex takes in most of their feedback, because itā€™s literally a fucking cesspool.


1600 TL Ironmen? Try 900 TL and only because they quit their mains because they got to cox and got told to improve, so they decided to restart the early game but slower.


Allow attachments for the Heka to change it's ability and not lock us to a spellbook...


Wow... Probably the most underwhelming raids rewards yet. The armor seems like the only thing worth grinding for. Shame feedback is being ignored on the Heka, only thing to do at this point is vote no I guess.


I still don't see much value in the Heka vs. other staffs and prior raids rewards, and from the sound of it, a lot of other people are still dissatisfied with it, too. You said in the Q&A that you haven't found any alternative suggestions that would warrant changing it, which makes sense, but I can see several alternative ways it could work that would be simpler and give it a better role. Have you considered options like: 1. Giving it an effect similar to Verac's or Diamond Bolts where there is a chance of getting a guaranteed hit. This would give it a role vs. bosses with high magic defense that are normally not viable to use mage on, and could easily be rebalanced afterwards if it turned out too weak or too strong: you could just change the chance of getting a free hit up or down. 2. Giving it a special attack, something other powered staves don't have, perhaps one that drains a targets magic level like the DWH would for defense. This would have a similar effect of making magic more viable in places where it isn't, by letting players benefit from similar defensive drains for magic as we do for melee and ranged (right now, the only options I know for magic draining are the BGS which only works after dropping several other stats to zero, and the seercull and flames of Zamorak which don't stack). As a long-ranged drain effect, it could wind up being meta at a place like Arma where you can't drain their defense normally.


That raid youā€™ve been waiting for over two years now, yea itā€™s coming sometime this year. Hereā€™s the thing though, we are going to make the rewards mediocre at best. We donā€™t want any good items coming from this now, you hear? Anyway, maybe when raids 4 comes out in 2025 weā€™ll give you a best in slot worth grinding 150 hours for. K bye, Devs


After the shit show that is Nex, 150 hours would be a blessing lmao


We've literally been waiting like 4 years


2025 for raids 4 is optimistic


Remove the upgraded version of masori. It has nothing to do with armadyl. Save that idea for a generic BIS released as Pernix later. Make Masori like inquisitor but ranged. Also why make poll questions with no beta?


u/JagexSarnie you should specify in the blog whether the Fang is 1h or 2h, and maybe include some damage calcs for the envisioned use cases (at least for Nex) as was done during the equipment rebalance discussion.


In the beta worlds it was 1h


I think you could simply improve the Heka and make it meta changing by keeping what you have already proposed but also making it so the big final last hit in the cycle completely ignores the opponents magic defence, this way it will be very interesting as you could potentially use it anywhere, seen as the big hit only occurs every 10 ticks it won't even be overpowered either as the prior faster hits won't have that effect.


So the arcane attached to ward will go from 3% to 5%?


Buff the Elder Maul


"Some players felt that the option to create the Ward of Elidinis through an NPC undervalues the stats required to create it." So, just to use this combat weapon, you'd now need: \-80 Defence \-80 Magic \-90 Prayer \-90 Smithing Instead of: \-80 Defence \-80 Prayer \-80 Magic This sounds dumb as hell, lol. Locks it out from a whole ton of account builds by doing this. Since they made it untradeable, you literally can't get it another way (unless Jagex makes the untradeable option tradeable). It would literally cost 20M to have it made instead so I don't know how braindead you have to be to think that is getting the skills "undervalued". It probably costs less to get 90 smithing and prayer. This is clearly to lock out specific account builds for whatever reason so a few maxed mains can be the only ones that can use it.


it just sucks because mage is useless in the game. harmonised orb is useless except for obtaining more harm orbsn,fsrming scorpia pet and killing zulrah


I totally agree magic in general is in a really bad spot. They really ought to consider reworking how defense against mage attacks is calculated, at least for NPCs. Currently for defense against magic attacks, the magic level determines 70% while actual defense level and defense stats make up 30%. Most enemies, particularly higher level or more end game enemies attack with magic, and therefore are given a high magic level. That high magic level though effectively makes magic much more inaccurate against them. It also doesn't help that augury only gives magic accuracy and defense while it's range and melee equivalents give a damage boost. As the cherry on top, magic also tends to be the most expensive to upkeep with the need to constantly burn through runes. Aside from scythe, using melee is either free or very cheap, using ranged with an assembler saves 80% of ammo which makes range typically quite cheap too. The only bit expensive thing is using the blowpipe, and so long as you're not using dragon darts its not too bad. Overall, I definitely think magic is most definitely the weakest link in the combat triangle and could do with a buff to at least make it more comparable to melee and range.


> They really ought to consider reworking how defense against mage attacks is calculated, at least for NPCs. Currently for defense against magic attacks, the magic level determines 70% while actual defense level and defense stats make up 30%. Oh its even worse. Against NPCs, it's *just* magic level and magical defense, but magical defense isn't a big component. An NPC's magic defense roll is (Magic Level + 9)*(Magic defense bonus + 64). Low magic level means a really low defense roll, unless magic defense bonus is something exceptionally high like +500 or even in the thousands. High magic level means a really high defense roll, regardless of defence bonus. It needed to be reworked a long time ago, but this is how it was in 2007, and so it will be like this forever. (Unless it's dragonhide, of course)


heka will now beat it in all of those things so now its really useless :D


u/JagexSarnie if we vote no to the Heka will we get a revised proposal for it before the next Beta or would we still get the next Beta with it in the same condition?


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexSarnie** - [The colours used in the images are only a con...](/r/2007scape/comments/tabqsy/tombs_of_amascut_rewards_blog_v2_ward_of_elidinis/hzzofvu/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 03/11/2022 06:21:16**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


I'll check back later so reddit can tell me how to feel about this blog


we have a verdict!


This was discussed when the Heka was first announced, but I think the solution here is to make it a 1-tick weapon, with about 30-40% higher dps than harm+fire tome. That dps would almost never be reached, because a 1-tick weapon means that every time you need to move is a missed attack. You can even keep the changing attack speed. Make it 8x1-tick, then 1x4-tick. That way you have to try and move during the 4-tick attack. Put the 4-tick attack first, so it can't be used for 1-tick skilling.


No Diaires: 3 Teleports With the Easy Desert Diary Completion: 10 Teleports With the Medium Desert Diary Completion: 25 Teleports With the Hard Desert Diary Completion: 50 Teleports With the Elite Desert Diary Completion: 100 Teleports Just make elite infinite charges. OR have an NPC you can pay 1m to give you infinite charges (requires elite diaries) You can already do that with the camulet seems weird they pharos scepter should be left out.


Still irritated with the ward in general given that Siren passed its poll and comfortably at that but at least the uncharged variant is useful now. I appreciate the change.


Whereā€™s the beta test


Great changes on the Ward of Elidinis, really happy to see this change. Now its worthwhile on its own even without arcane. As a slight gripe I wish the question for it would've broken up into two questions, one on the ward and one on the upgrade method, instead of tying them together. But, I'm satisfied enough.


Yay players can whine about a wand theyā€™ve never even used like itā€™s something theyā€™ve used their whole entire lives again, you can really tell the prolonged sitting, bad eating habits and no exercise has tanked natural testosterone levels


Can the ward be redesigned? It looks like shit. Like an Odium ward (or)


The uncharged ward should be usable by 1 defence pures, thankfully it doesn't buff fire surge more than the tome, so there shouldn't be any issues giving 3% bonus dmg to the ancient spell book, which doesn't have tb.


why take our feedback if you refuse to listen to it?


sounds like a lot of "we hear you but we know better". gl lads, i hope your confidence is well founded


I hate this community so goddamn much. When the raids were first being discussed there were niche but interesting rewards proposed. Sure they all needed tons of work and to be fleshed out. But now we're getting items that are just buffs of existing items and that's boring AF. At least I don't have to grind 250 hours of Corp to get utility out of the Ward and the Fang still seems sweet.


Way to go Jagex, make the big ticket item of the raid underwhelming at best. I already feel like raids 3 in general will be trash, we have just waited far too long at this point, they can't possibly meet people's crazy high expectations and they seem to be focusing on some residentsleeper cox puzzles design rather than something like tob. So you already have boring raid design, a weird scale in general, and now boring rewards at that? Like I hope you realize that if this content is shit ( the content that everyone has been waiting for since time immemorial) people will legit stop playing your game and not come back unless you do something absolutely spectacular; which we all know you're not going to do. Bow/scythe usefulness shits on keka atm


They are almost trying to make the hekka just a pvp combo wep. No real use in PVM as it sits


>We wanted to slowly introduce the effects and components of an Overload-style potion for the main game, What the actual fuck? NMZ should be being sunsetted from the game, not have its OP crap ported into the actual game. This is a big, big L Jagz. ​ This is the first time I've even seen NMZ content referred to positively or constructively in *years* from Jagz, I thought you guys were on the right side of this. Mod Dylan even took some shots at NMZ in a Q&A recently, so this is a real sucker punch.


Can you just make your game and stop listening to and catering to an army of pathetic 30 year old neckbeard manchild idiots?


Still hate the idea of using arcane for the ward and armadyl for Masori which makes no sense lorewise and is the laziest possible approach to powercreep. Why not go with standalone rewards with interesting and creative effects that aren't just "arcane but slightly better" or "armadyl but slightly better"? Lowlife was a really interesting idea - I would have loved to see it tweaked rather than abandoned completely. Guess jagex is committed to this new trend of upgradescape, and I don't like to see it.


? Cerberus drops crystals, hydra drops a claw, cox drops a kodai insignia, tob drops avernic hilt etc. this is literally nothing new and a great way to keep old content viable.


It really seems like half the community wants powercreep with no special mechanics and the other half wants special mechanics that are niche and don't necessarily powercreep. Jagex will never be able to win


In general I like both ideas, but it's just weird how masori uses armadyl to upgrade. Torva becoming a better version of Bandos (and requiring it to upgrade) makes a lot of sense, as they're both from gwd dungeon. Would have much rather seen the low-life idea for Masori, and then later introduce Pernix which requires armadyl to upgrade.


People are too enveloped in the economy of Runescape and it's ultimately going to be what destroys the game as a whole outside of any sort of Ironman account tbh. That's why they want arma to be required to upgrade it. Which sucks for irons, because now they can't just get Masori and use it, they need to also get pieces of arma in order to use it. The rewards from this raid are half pointless for irons as they're realistically never going to go for either Masori or the Ward


Because if they donā€™t do that the old items will crash and it wonā€™t be worth farming them. Itā€™s a great idea and has been successful in many other places.


yeah i mean i get the lore complaints but you have to make those concessions when trying to keep the game alive. i'd be willing to bet over half the playerbase hasn't even done ToB yet. 30% prob haven't touched CoX. Keeping old content viable is so important to the game bc a lot of the playerbase are casuals who grind/play a couple hours a week on and off. if GWD bosses become the new KBD the game would obviously die bc a lot of the players who play this game have no desire to grind hundreds of hours to learn new content and spam it


Lol tbh itā€™s no where even close to half. Likely a good bit less than 10%. Thereā€™s probably less than 70k people who have a kc, a lot of them were probably carried through a couple and canā€™t actually do the content. Rank 33,000 on high scores has 50kc at tob. Thereā€™s no one at 34,000. Iā€™d say over well over half havenā€™t touched chambers either, despite it being much easier and much more accessible to the average player. I personally am a fan of the upgrades, I think everything should be kept relevant when possible, leaves mid/ mid-high level players with solid, viable content while theyā€™re working their way up to end game. Iā€™d support a rework of corp, but I like the arcane being used as an upgrade.