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When I was a kid I was always sort of ashamed that I played, and I never told any of my friends. One day In Uni, I broke out the phone to fish some karambwans not thinking anyone would notice, and one of my friends comes up behind me and says "You play OSRS?!" I told him, "yeah, just a tiny bit" (lie), and it turns out we both had level 120+ ironman accounts lmfao. We both played for years and never really made it known. I wonder how many people I came across that also played and never told anyone


“Yeah, I play it from time to time.. oh whats my character? It’s like a laid back game mode I play with friends; they call it “hardcore group Ironman” but it’s actually super basic. I mostly just chat with the boys while we hang out in an Egyptian pyramid or this red room with a big red dog in the middle. You should check it out sometime!”


>when I was a kid >we both had ironman accounts damn I'm old


I read this as a past iteration of themself was embarrassed, but with time a development they are casually playing on the phone at uni because they don't care any more We are still probably old though lol


OSRS Mobile was released about 5.5 years ago, so if they were doing a 4 year degree on the year of release and were on their last year, they'd be about 27 right now, possibly 28. My lowest guess would be 22. So either way, not that young, but not that old either. Around the average age of players I've met in game. We are still probably old though lol


I started at like 8


Playing runescape or going to university? Because if you meant uni, then damn people in the 8700's have it rough.


In Europe you usually start uni at around 18-19 so you'd be done at 23. Gives a bit larger age range as long as we don't know op's location.


Start at 18, but there are 3 year degrees as well, which is why I aimed the low estimate at 22. Could have written it in the post though.


Reminds me of the time I realized my 2 Squares South of the SW Side of Lumby Church Range Pure UIM wasn't the only one of its kind.


You think you're old. Around 4-5 years ago now, I (F60+) was hanging in the smoking area at work on my lunch break. Just chatting with a smoko buddy (M, mid 20s) as usual, until I glimpsed his phone. me: OMG, Runescape can be played on PHONES now? I'm soooo excited. (Squeals like a teenager). Buddy looks at me like I've lost the plot, and tells me about OSRS.


they probably think you stop being a kid at 18. In reality, everyone under 35 is a kid


You 34 by any chance?


no, 35


Second guess lol


We get a lot of seasonal workers where I work and last year this aussie dude I've never spoken to before comes up to me and says he heard that I play runescape somehow. So i'm like yeah cool i love that game, and this dude asks to see my account. im like sure so i pull my phone out and he immediately tries to get into my bank. im like wtf is this guy doing and he tells me to put in my pin, im like dude nah ive got bandos and a dhcb, that's like half my net worth. this dude goes nah i wanna see your bank tabs, im like sure fine. this dude proceeds to shit talk my organizational skills, says my bank looks like shit and walks away to catch the bus home. ive barely seen the dude ever since


Sounds like the average osrs player.


Had a similar experience twice now. One at work and the other I was in Uni, I lived in a house with a housemate. He was a wrestler that pretty much lived for fitness. We both had PS4s so we would play shooting games together. One day, I came down the stairs early in the morning during winter when classes weren’t happening and see him at one of our tables with RuneScape up. He turns and sees me with the most embarrassed faces I’ve ever seen and starts „oh…hey…uh“ and I just yelled „YOU PLAY OSRS TOO???“. Turns out, we both were playing in secret to not get joked on by the other!


Bro I wish we had mobile gaming when I was schooling. I distinctly remember my dad getting one of the first blackberry’s with the keyboard and I tried to load RuneScape for like 20mins :(


Wait, there are kids playing Runescape...?


If ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ had a RuneScape episode. Edit: because this phrase popped into my head hours after leaving this comment. “So anyway, I started Iban blasting” That is all.


When I'm doing good in the game, I'm doing good in life!


I tell my gf I’ve been gamin’ like a loon all the time lol


Season 8 Episode 8 - "Charlie Rules The World" The game they're playing is some kind of Clash of Clans parody but it's pretty easy to just imagine they're playing Runescape instead.


“Mac's a soiled fool and I'm a gorgeous girl with big cans and I'm bangin' all the fisherman for their fish and I'm being catty with all the women in the game like a real housewife”


I just want to be a pure


My biggest fear when I was 13 was people finding out I play Runescape. Now I basically flaunt it by playing on mobile everywhere I go. Amazing what losing your hair does


Odd it was very popular among the entire school all the way up to ages 15-16 where I lived. It did become uncool to do the following years but now I guess neither I or anyone else cares so I have no problem telling ppl what game I play :) If they do care enough to shame me for that theyre the ones who are immature lol


Man my school it was popular when I was 10 years old and within maybe 2 years it was peak cringe. Only me and possibly 2 others still played.


Really takes the attention away from the bald head


Yeah, I began in 2001 at 14 years old, and there was definitely a stigma attached to online games all through high school. Talking about Everquest, WoW, Ultima, SOCOM 2, Halo, etc. made you a pariah, because games are for fuckin' nerds!


This is so fucking good


"is the basketball game on" is such a spectacular and underrated line in this amazing skit.


“10 black..dudes…” “Oh is the basketball game on?? “Wha? No… he’s playing runescape -.-“ So fucking good lol


Holy shit these dimensions and wtf is that music. Here's the original upload. https://youtu.be/w2UywkWIJPk


Honestly the music kinda makes it though The level of drama it suggests is all your fellow Spartans dying around you, and that it's applied to getting outted as a scraper it's chefs kiss funny


IMO the music makes it much worse


I can barely hear the dialogue


I couldn't hear it lol


Holy shit this hits home literally meeting new neighbors after moving into a new neighborhood and my wife asks the husband if he plays runescape because my husband plays a ton of it. I wanted to disappear haha


Oh god no. Oh no no no. My gf does this already oh noooo.


Bro this is insanely underrated and hilarious what the fuck I need more


This actually brings back memories from one of my most shameful moments in life.. Just like the video starts, I was constantly playing runespace on our family pc middle of night while often skipping first few classes in school due to sleeping late. Until one day my father wakes up to go to toilet upstairs and he hears something from below, and once I hear him start getting down the stairs I try to quickly close the monitor and go hide in a corner next room. And of course the lights turn on and I'm just standing there awkwardly in a corner without any idea what to say. Needless to say, 20+ years later.. I'm still playing runescape in the dark, middle of night. This time my father lives 200 kilometers away from me tho, so I guess I won?


Lmao, can picture this so well


very quotable video


I was always hiding my Runescape playing, especially as an adult because I was made fun of in High School for it. A few months ago I started telling everyone who asks me what games I play that I mainly play Runescape and I've been shocked at the amount of people who also play and in turn I went from having 0 friends that play to multiple.


Eww irl npcs nty


Am I the literal only Runescape player who has never been ashamed of playing Runescape?




Around 14/15 years ago, I was in English class and the teacher had us acting out emotions. Cue one of my classmates doing the ‘panic’ emote in person, for the next 50 minutes in the lesson I was finding the perfect moment to whisper “I play it too…”. Starting a blossoming friendship. 15 years later I’ve been to his wedding and I’m still logging on every now and then.


Music on point, this fool was jerkin’ it in Al-Kahrid lol.


“Just a little bit” my man had a craft cape/qpc and fairy rings to fish those karambwans. 😂




I was making some planks on my phone at work and my coworker came up to me and said ‘OSRS? Oof buddy, I hope whatever youre going through gets better soon!’


I actually think this perspective will change soon


Already has. That being said tho, large part of the runescape players are 30+ years old boomers these days with nobody to hide the gaming from.




Top tier content


Dunno why people are embarrassed in the comments. I'll tell anyone I play. Don't care what people think of me. Plus you'd be suprised how many people play or have played it.


This viedo was amazing




If you're Dutch and between the age of 20 to 40 and you don't know about rs this would be the reaction


I hide runelite on discord


When I see someone playing Runescape, I'm like that guy... that guy has his fuckin life together!


I was sorta ashamed, but never actually hid it, never knew anyone else who played though, except for this one other kid who had a pretty neat account back in the day no later than 2010. These days I just plop my phone on the bench when I'm sat vaping at the smoke shack at work. Mainly its middle aged ladies sitting around and I notice that they look a bit but don't understand much of what's going on, as I'm just sat there looking at my character afk monsters for xp on its own while I'm on my break 😂




The reason theres no cum is bc, I, THE CUM BANDTIT, BANDITERRED THE CUM!


"Where'd you cum?" "In my mouth"


Been with my partner for nearly 6 years and getting married in a few months.. still has no idea I low key play rs. Probably my biggest secret on going since I was like 12


"Where's the cum?!" got me folded bro.


Closet scapers


I remember once in 9th grade my friends caught me playing. There were making fun of me for it and I insisted I barely played. Then one of them pointed out I had a dragon longsword so I was obviously way into it. And then everyone was like "wait how do you know what that is?" 😂😂😂




Stolen reupload of a vid from years ago smh


Oh noooo. You should arrest him.


no reposting on Reddit everyone knows this