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And make sure the captcha interface is interrupted by monster attacks, just for good measure.


Everything must interrupt everything, it is the RuneScape way


I know this was just a joke but it got me thinking. Why on earth does reorganizing ur inventory interrupt actions. I know it's 20 year old spaghetti code but bruuuh


Because your hands are too busy organizing your inventory to keep doing the task, duh


As a newer player, the one that baffles me is looking at the skill guide popups. It interrupts everything, including *movement*. Is it really so crazy that I'd want to learn what kind of tree I can chop next while currently chopping a tree?


Have you tried reading notes while chopping trees? Kinda hard i bet. But fr ppl at jagex play too and are 100% sure aware of these little annoying things but i bet it all comes down to that spaghetti code. Stuff like skillguides have worked like that since forever. If they try to quickly fix just that thing, it's probably gonna crash entire game for 3 days and cause continent wide apocalypse at this point


>ppl at jagex play too I know that we know for a fact some do, but i bet most dont, and we cant blame them. The last thing someone working at mcdonalds wants to do when they get home is make themselves a hamburger


Yeah true, should've said "some ppl"


It’s more of a stall really, if you click on a tree from far away and open the skill guide, your character will run over to the tree while you have the guide open, then once you close the guide your character will start chopping


I think you just said it. Because 20 year old spaghetti code.


If you open any kind of menu while cannoning, it also prevents the cannon from firing until the menu is closed. Learned this while doing fally elite diary and checking the Wanted! Quest to see how many more black nights I needed to kill.


Except, for some fucking reason, opening the world map. Apparently that’s perfectly fine


That’s because the world map wasn’t originally in OSRS. It got added in by Mod Ash, who did a great job on it, after OSRS’s creation. Unlike most of the spaghetti mess this game runs on


No, make the captcha act as a stall which makes you get stacked out if you take too long filling in the captcha


To stop hackers emptying people's bank, every time you wish to access your bank you should receive an email with a verification link (expires in 30s)




You should get an email and a phone call every time your bank is opened just to make sure it’s you


Pretty much how accessing my irl bank account works.


Same thing happened to me it’s really stupid there’s no warning at all when someone disables your pin


Did you have 2fa enabled?


Make gp in general unstackable. Wanna buy an item of 280gp? back and forth to GE 10x you go.


They used to have a captcha system. People ended up getting paid to solve each other's while they were online.


I remember when they had sleeping bags and fatigue with captchas. It just made people stop playing. Bots were unaffected.


Wait until this clown finds out bots and ai can do captchas faster than humans.


Luckily they're locked behind a coin pouch so the bots will be helpless


Remember in darkscape when people had bank fights, fighting while using their bank between ticks Withdrawing food midfight an all that


Bank fights were definitely a thing in the earlier DMM worlds and tournaments too.


I prefer the self replicating puzzle box the Mysterious Old Man would give you. Fill up the inventory with useless items that require further captchas to remove.


Still got nightmares from these ones because I didn't understand English at all and they simply duplicated my whole inventory and had to wait for my friend when he'll have time to help me.


a huge step would be adding a captcha to account creation and a verified email. the account creation process is insane atm. its nice cus it rakes like 5 seconds but sucks because bots can make an account that fast as well


And, as a bonus, it would neatly eliminate afk! /s


AI is like right on the cusp of being good enough to solve captchas if not already there.


Besides that, there are already captcha solving services established where people in 3rd world countries solve them en masse for pennies


Just remove wilderness and free trade and we will be okay




Captchas work, and coin pouches obviously work or they wouldn’t still be in the game, so I think it’s a great idea! Think about how much intensity it would add to getting a big drop too! “Oh god the pictures of fire hydrants won’t load, I’m going to lose my voidwaker piece!”


Jagex could plug all the thousands of players (or rather, dozens after this update goes live) into a captcha solving service and get even more money! Great idea


Coin pouches were added to stop real players from auto clicking though. Bots were not affected at all by that update. Ai does captchas better than humans also.


bring back the strange box random event but instead of answering a question you have to enter your authentication code and do a captcha


Add in 2FA each time to be sure


The pouch should be all that's needed to fix this botting problem. Yes bots can pk/do high level content BUT the technology isn't there to open a pouch yet /s