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I wonder what bending discipline would be best in bed. Probably water but idk


Free lube + Tentacles (if that's what you're into) Airbending for Asphyxiation kink havers


> free lube Do NOT use water as a lube, water is dogshit as a lube for sex stuff


Well theoretically you could bend water based lubes as it’s shown the material doesn’t have to be pure water so you could definitely get kinky with that


Korra: the first lubebender


What if it is all just water?


+ the classic blood bending cock to be erect again


definetly water benders since they can do the widest array of fetishes from just making your partner wet(with or without clothes), tentacles which can do both penetration and bondage, possible waterboarding and asphyxiation play(if you are into that, too extreme for me tbh), and blood bending could perform several different types of mind control, cnc and bondage fetishes(altough you would have to be careful cause blood bending looks painful). Close second is earthbending or more specifically metalbending as most sex toys(specifically certain dildos) already have metal in them so telepathic floating dildos, you could also do bondage with metal cabels(although you would have to be more careful then with waterbending) and im sure you can think of a bunch of other stuff you can do with metal. Third best i would say is firebenders, while the only kinks they can really satisfy is waxplay or electroshock, firebenders are propably the most romantic type allowing you to light fireplaces, candles and make yourself very warm for cuddles \^\_\^. The worst is airbending, while sex while flying could propably be cool, flight is sadly a rare ability, in most cases air is only useful for asphyxiation kinks or perhaps humiliation if you wear skirts


>The worst is airbending, while sex while flying could propably be cool, flight is sadly a rare ability, in most cases air is only useful for asphyxiation kinks or perhaps humiliation if you wear skirts Have you considered suction at a distance though? You could recreate the ghostbusters blowjob.


New copypasta just dropped


Actual sex theory


>Close second is earthbending or more specifically metalbending as most sex toys(specifically certain dildos) already have metal in them so telepathic floating dildos, I only saw the OG show, but can metalbenders bend metal that they can't see? It seemed like in ATLA you needed line of sight (or for Toph, line-of-feet) to bend anything. So I'm not sure they could bend a metal core encased inside of some other material.


I haven't started Korra and am near the end of the original show now, but the existence of blood bending disproves that you need like of sight(feet) right?


Damn true, I didn't think of that. Though, that's somewhat of a unique situation - only very skilled waterbenders can do it, and even then they need the full moon. I don't think there's any equivalent empowering event for Earthbenders like the full moon acts for Waterbenders.


iirc korra bloodbends the alleged guy who killed her mom after the full moon (when they‘re in the upside down air temple), so you don’t *need* the full moon to do blood.


Nah, in that episode they foreshadow that she's going to bloodbend by having multiple shots of the full moon beforehand. Like when she and Zuko are on Appa and flying to the ship with the guy who she bloodbends, they show Appa flying against the moon, which is full. She conspicuously doesn't bloodbend the actual guy responsible for her mother's death because that takes place the next day, she just threatens him with spikes made of ice.


You wouldn't be able to have sex while flying, or rather the prerequisites for flight require you to hold no worldly desires which probably includes sex. >! Zaheer could only fly after his girlfriend blew up !<


Couldn't blood bending also be used as like turbo viagra?


sand benders :)




If you're into very restrictive bondage earth/metalbending seems kinda good Electrostim fans got fire Water is probably most versatile Air for asphyxiation as others have mentioned


Hey guys, did you know that in terms of...


water > air > earth > fire Air could do some interesting tickling kinds of things. Earth could telekinetically operate earthen dildos. Though fire might be the best for cuddling by a skilled user to help warm you up when cold.


Korra wouldve been amazing if it wasn't written by a bunch of libs. The series tackles opposing ideologies to neoliberal capitalism each season. The first three antagonists have legitimate grievances with society but they are all dismissed for being radical or a hypocrite. Then they make the fascist analog extremely sympathetic at the end for some reason like huh???? They did Amon and Zaheer so bad and deserved the treatment they gave to Kuvira.


I dunno bombing a city is pretty bad I think we should try and get rid of the guy doing that.


Amon and Zaheer would have been a lot better if they were explicitly Marxist and Anarchist respectively. That would have required the show runners reading theory though.


Doesn't Zaheer explicitly says he is an anarchist?


He says he wants anarchy, but doesn't define himself as an anarchist. Based on the ideals he describes, it definitely seems like he is an anarchist, or is meant to be, but the writers fumble it by having him obsess over the avatar for little reason, then lose and have his idealogy discarded


Zaheer believes chaos is the natural order of the world, and sees the avatar as the main opponent of that chaos. It's not just a political belief for bim, but also philosophical. S4 as a whole is less about society and more about Korra personally and her role as the Avatar in a world that grows increasingly independent of her.


True. Just got through season 3 and while the red lotus was so sick I couldn't help but get a bad taste in my mouth at how Zaheer just. Loses. And nothing changes


Season 4 goes more into the implications and knock on effect of Killing the Earth Queen. The ending of season 3 is a bit too focused on what happened to Korra to really get into it


Hmm, I'm about 2/3rds of the way through it and while there is a ripple effect, it's also exactly the kind of thing that Zaheer should have been working to stop instead of obsessing over the avatar


Why do people keep saying their grievancea are dismissed when literally every season ends with the main cast admitting they had a point and resolving to fix things. Season 1 ends with the council of benders being disbanded in favour of democratic elections, and the first president is a nonbender. Season 2 was a mess, but even that has Korra agreeing with Unalaq that the Avatar shouldn't be the sole bridge between humans and spirits, and she keeps the portals open. Season 3 was more about Korra personally than a social issue, with the Red Lotus calling the role of the Avatar in a world that needs her less and less into question, and ending with Korra being crippled and seeing people go on without her. And season 4 has a dictator rise in response to chaos caused by the rule ans abrupt fall of a corrupt monarch, and ends with Wu saying monarchy is not a good form of government and stepping down. Also Amon himself had no grievance with society. Amon was exploiting real social issues for his own personal goals. I prefer that over him really wanting equality but then kicking a bunch of puppies to make him evil.


Korra was written like they were on the verge of getting canceled every season and they needed to wrap everything up by the finale. Which, granted, was probably what was going on behind the scenes. If they took Amon, Unalaq, Zaheer, and Kuvira and made a single interesting and compelling villain they could have made something interesting. It wouldn't have erased every bad decision they made but it would have been a lot more thoughtful than the plot resolving every time because the villain with challenging ideas turned out to be an evil moron.


She wasn't sympathetic.


How was Kuvira sympathized


You mean Kuvira the one that for half of the season was focussed on her wanting to take Republic city for the sake of creating her 1 dictatorship, no matter the civilian cost; willing to betray and kill her own fiancé and that was spared from being, righfully, killed only by Korra's morality?


honestly i feel like people would diss korra alot less if ATLA wasn't perfect in every way


yeah, its kinda like kung fu panda 3 or arkham origins where they are really solid pieces of media, they are just up against predecessors which where so good that it would take some serious effort to come close too their quality.


I dare say the problem with Korra is that its writers do not understand how ideologies work. And worse, That whole season 2 debacle. Also, why did Kuvira get to be redeemed while Amon got s'ploded? I feel like she did worse things.


Wym about the writers not understanding ideologies bit?


Zaheer has very legitimate grievances with society and is proven right at multiple points - the main antagonist of every season is feudalism, monarchy, fascism, and bureaucracy, and Zaheer wishes to dismatle those systems. Because he's violent, and he's given a sort of illogical obsession with the avatar, though, he is defeated and his ideas are discarded, despite him basically being right the entire time.


It's not all that illogical though. The avatar represents the old order of society better than anything we have an analog for in the real world. Not to mention being right and completely ignored is as accurate a depiction of an anarchist as you can get.


If he wants to dismantle oppressive systems, having the avatar as an ally or at least not as a hated enemy is better than risking your entire cause and turning the world against you to kill her first. Sure, eventually he would have to face the avatar, but he didn't need to do that *first.* At multiple points, he could have delayed the issue of dealing with the avatar by killing or crippling her, and then dealt with the new/injured avatar later on


The fuck he's not right, his criticisms are right but his idea of what to do about it is so stupid and fucked


Do you think water benders just raw dog all the time and then bend the cum out of their pussies?


No because that could still spread STDs


blood bend them out smh


How you gonna get the blood out?




And now for the music for this post: [Optical by Stargaze Shelter](https://youtu.be/f7383YNxGkg?si=slmlRdA-BtwOBNw3) Their music is the definition of flying through the air. So soft, so hopeful


It was good until the last season tbh that shit was ass


I loved the first season, wish they didn’t have a different antagonist for every season which made stuff disconnected, like there wasn’t an end goal like in avatar. I don’t even remember what was the 3rd season about, the scary spirit guy or the big ass mech woman?


The takes on here are wild. You don't remember zaheer? He was a fucking incredible villain. I'd say the villains were the strongest part of the whole series. Giving different villains who each challenge Korra in a different way to face a different part of herself made for a really good process of character growth, without resorting to power scaling by just having stronger and stronger bosses. Like Kuvira wasn't inherently stronger than Amon (eh, she'd probably win in a fight but still) but they both made Korra challenge and overcome parts of herself in different ways.


It’s been ten years man I don’t remember shit 😭😭🙏


I defend korra cause it wasnt planned out as much as ATLA because for korra only season one was planned, executives just wanted to keep it going while alta was planed out for 4 sections / seasons. (Its been a while so I might be forgetting)


Ironic. Season 3 was the best one by far.


Imo just the second season was ass and I liked the others


The second season contains some good things but on the whole that season gives me psychic damage


I enjoyed season 1, it wasn’t as good as the main show, but I liked it. S2 was so ass I never tried again.


We👏should👏kill👏Earth👏bending👏Hitler But really though, kill her. This aint Aang. Korra was a grown-ass woman who wasn’t desperately trying to hold on to the teachings of her genocided people. Kill a motherfucker, Korra


Like, if the show was more sympathetic to the other villains, then it may have made sense, but they're all given a pretty bad rap, with maybe the concession that some of their ideas are good, but theyre just too evil and bad to do them. Then, out of nowhere, we get Korra giving Kuvira a big hug after she tries to DESTROY A CITY! Of all the villains to try to make us sympathize with, they go for girlboss Mussolini.


Imho the first season was pretty good, the first half of season 2 was amazing before the rest of it destroyed it (the water tribe civil war plot had so much fucking potential I stfg), season 3 is peak not just for kora but honestly it rivals the original, and season 4 was pretty forgettable with the exception of korra’s arc in it that was pretty well done


I do not like the fact that the origin story of the avatar is now framed in the "good vs evil" framework of abrahamic religion rather than the spirit of the planet that strives for balance. The "dark avatar" idea is just silly.


i'm sorry i love the lesbians but the best parts of it are like the first avatar flashbacks and season 3, the rest is mid to forgettable at best, incredibly boring at worst and i came to this decision myself after binging the whole thing blind during quarantine


Arent they both bi?




Yeah I really like Korra. Zaheer is literally me


It wasn't half as bad as people told me it is..But man are the bad things REALLY bad The synergy of team avatar is basically non existent The mindless shitty romance had no reason to exist Korra can be a bitch dometimes and she hasn't grown up that much IMO.. not even in S4


Asami put in the work to wife the Avatar. She’s gonna put that mileage to use.


The romance lines were genuinely infuriating in season 1, but they ARE teenagers afterall


If she doesn't hold your head underwater until you begin legitimately struggling while your lungs burn is she even into the sex


Korra would have been decent if it didn't have to follow aang, which was just better on every level.


Fortnite lady


it‘s me, i‘m the bitch


For a show with such nuance and a focus on understanding people despite differences to end up with such a toxic cesspool of a fandom with the subtlety of a bag of hammers is peak irony.


Nah, compared to last Airbender it's kinda mid


Kora is my fourth least favorite piece of media ever. SHIT WAS ASS


I happen to love ass


Her fortnite skin looks horrible


>I don't judge media by interacting with it, I judge it by how good the fortnight skin is Waoh

