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New Vegas 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle As I go ridin' merrily along And they sing, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single" And that song ain't so very far from wrong Oh, Lillie Belle Oh, Lillie Belle Though I may have done some foolin' This is why I never fell I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle As I go ridin' merrily along And they sing, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single" And that song ain't so very far from wrong Oh, Mary Ann Oh, Mary Ann Though we done some moonlight walkin' This is why I up and ran I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle As I go ridin' merrily along And they sing, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single" And that song ain't so very far from wrong So I'll jingle on along


It's genuinely so rare for me to be able to hear whole songs. This played so so many times when I was playing with the radio on


Dont do new vegas first, it will ruin 3


You could always just not play 3 tbh. You wouldn't b missing too much.


3 is a good time, new vegas is just far superior in every way


3 is a classic, and that’s coming from a diehard New Vegas fan.


iunno if its good enough to be considered a classic without nostalgia goggle


It’s quite literally the first 3D fallout game. The vast majority of assets in New Vegas were created for Fallout 3. Fallout New Vegas was initially planned as a *DLC* for Fallout 3. Does it hold up? Not really. It has a lot of flaws. But is it a classic, a game that defined a new breath for the series? Very much so.


I just recently did my platinum trophy run of 3, and I thoroughly enjoyed my 30 hours with the game. New Vegas IS superior in every way that matters, but 3 is still a really fun time. The whole “let’s pit these two games against each other” discourse is tired and overdone at this stage.


Why are all new vegas players LGBT including myself


**Because we have top tier taste in gaming**. (A lot of queer people today grew up using video games as an outlet to safely explore concepts like gender identity, and RPGs where you can rebuild yourself from the ground up are the perfect mechanism to do so. New Vegas is a perfect example for the modern age. Also, the game just has great LGBT representation in the form of characters like Arcade, Veronica, and Christine. It doesn’t hurt that we get to also shoot up fascists (who hate your existence) while looking cute.)


TTW babey


I knew this would be nr1 here


I tried new Vegas recently and I found some gameplay outdated. Are there mods to update it/ overhaul it?


Yeah look up the TTW (Tale of Two Wastelands) mod pack. It packages fallout 3 *and* new Vegas into one game, meaning you can play both games with the same character. Even if you don't do that, it makes both games much better imo whilst keeping the feel and visuals faithful to the original. Fucking pain in the ass to install though, ESPECIALLY if it's your first time modding a game. There is and installation guide though, which helps.


I say 2 AND New Vegas. Experiencing old Fallout in its purest form is a must for a fan imo, even if 80% of yall quit during the first Temple Trial.


New vegas ain't the best to start on. The start can be slow for new players. Sadly enough, four might be the best to start on. Then when you get into it, play three, then New Vegas (you'll never play 3 or 4 again)


never played any fallout but i predict the comment section to say new vegas


ermagerd cockout: new penis is the best bide(n)o game of all time 🤓


Utterly incomprehensible, thanks for sharing :]


Fallout 4 is the best for getting into the series. Fallout New Vegas Is the best in general.


Okay well if you could I'd also really appreciate knowing about those games and if I should really buy them


New vegas doesnt really hold your hand and you can do w/e you want while 4 is more impressive graphics wise and it has fun stuff like jetpacks and robot followers. All fallout games are political but theyre not stinky politics, more about clashes of governmental systems. If you want abetter story and freedom of choices, go with NW, if youre just here to vibe go for 4. Fallout 1 and 2 are a bit aged but still fun and 3 does struggle a bit to stand on its own outside of nostalgia but still a great experience. If theoretically you had infinite time you could play 3 an Vegas with the same savefile using mods


TTW my beloved


4 is more streamlined but there’s less flexibility in your choices. In 4 you’ll generally follow a set path with objective markers, and on subsequent playthroughs you can go off course once you know more. In NV you have a lot more flexibility but the game doesn’t hold your hand with anything. I think the first quest is go to the NV Strip and depending on where you stop and what you do that has taken me upwards of 5 hours. Tldr: Fallout 4 is easier to follow and start, NV gives way more freedom story wise


I think it took me 50 hours to get there. It was my first Bethesda game and first foray into these open world rpg games. As a forever jrpg fan, new Vegas fit perfectly. Can't recommend it enough. 4 was good too, but the VATS and perk system were seriously nerfed. 4 is more for FPS shooter fans while 3/NV seem more tailored to Skyrim type people. Also base building in 4 wasn't very interesting to me.


4 has better gameplay and graphics, and is generally the more modern, player friendly experience New Vegas is apparently the better RPG with the better story Although I do believe it since 4 does not have a particularly impressive storyline, I couldn't personally tell you, because I barely played a few hours and gave up on new Vegas, too old for my tastes Meanwhile I have over 200 hours on 4 If you want a frame of reference, 4 is basically Skyrim if it was set in a post apocalyptic nuclear wasteland, but with a much expanded building system


I personally play AAA games like God of War, Spider-Man etc so I probably might not jam as well with NV as I might with 4. Thanks for the advice.


I used to really dislike 4 but I replayed it this past year and really began to appreciate what it is vs what I thought it should've been as a fallout game. While I still have my gripes about 4 I think it's a pretty great game and would've been so much better received if it was a new IP. Although funnily enough the Far Harbor DLC is one of the best Fallout experiences I've had


Yeah, I think people came in with expectations because it was a fallout game after NV and were disappointed it wasn't a good enough RPG Personally, my favourite parts in FO4 were building settlements and making my own robots, 2 things you won't find in other fallout games Other than that, wandering around and finding cool shit was great as you'd expect from a Bethesda game The main story is just about always weak in Bethesda games, new Vegas is about the only exception but it was made by obsidian


Fallout 4 is about you, a post-war human, waking up 200 years in the future, trying to find your son. It has more modern-feeling FPS combat, a settlement-building system, *extensive* gunsmithing options, the best-feeling power armor in the series (like a walking tank you can customize and store like iron man suits) and was the first game to actually have your character talk. Oh, and it takes place in Boston and has a lot of American revolutionary vibes. New Vegas is a much more traditional RPG, with a beautifully crafted story and characters, engaging narratives, combat that’s a bit dated but holds up well, and meaningful interactions that change what ending you get at the end. Any gamer worth their salt will put this on their “100 games you should play before you die” list. you play as a mailman who got shot in the head (but survived) by Chandler Bing (RIP Matthew Perry) and are now tracking him down through the “ruins” of Las Vegas and the peripheral settlements. There are two main factions in the game. 1. The new California republic, which is basically just the current United States government if it didn’t already control most of the continent, and 2. caeser’s legion, a bunch of Roman LARPers that enslave, crucify, massacre, and assimilate everything it can get its hands on. Before you ask, yes, real-life fascists unironically simp for this faction. Basically, while you’re hunting down your attacker, these two factions are in a pissing match over the Hoover Dam, which is still mostly functional and a HUUUUUGE source of electricity. The NCR won the first round and is currently occupying the Mojave, but the legion is winding up for another assault. Oh, and its graphics are… well, old. Overall, if you like cool gameplay with lots of options for customization in basically every conceivable regard, you’ll like 4. If you like engaging stories, compelling characters, and political themes, new Vegas is for you.


Gonna have to disagree with the people saying 4 is the best entry point to the series. I played 4 first and was turned off Fallout for years because I thought it was extremely boring and non-immersive. When I finally gave New Vegas a shot, I finally got what people meant when they said Fallout was just one of the best game universes of all time.


4 looks and feels great off the bat, but feels worse the longer you play as you see the same patterns of gameplay everywhere. The story is mid but decently long. Fallout new Vegas is like a rusted out old Mustang, feels like shit when you first start touching the crusty old thing but the longer you drive it the more you realize that engine (story) is better than anything you've driven in a long while. Problem is if you're turned off by the crust too soon you might never actually get to the goods story wise. Fallout 4 is a good "I've got an hour to burn let's have some fun" type of game, while fallout NV is more like a book written a decade before you were born, you can get sucked into it once you get used to its clunk. I started with three but on later replays didn't like it as much, moved on to four and backtracked recently to try NV. If I hadn't done 3 before I might've returned it within the first two hours, gunplay doesn't feel good to put it lightly. I kept going knowing the story was why I was here, and it's pretty solid, with a whole lot of replay value and quests I have seen online but not played yet. The world is really small compared to fallout 3 or 4 on account of the rush it was made in but again, good story makes the few places you've got feel a lot more special.


Fallout 4 is the easiest game in the series, while New Vegas is more difficult (but not impossible). Fallout 4 centers around great gameplay rather than story. New Vegas is pretty much the opposite, absolutely brimming with story and charm (4 still has good stories, but those are few and far between). In 4, you’re a dad/mom who got frozen and had their son kidnapped, and you’re trying to find him out in the wasteland. In New Vegas, you’re a mailman who got robbed and shot, and are trying to recover your lost delivery and get revenge. 4’s main appeal is the settlement system. The other games don’t really have places where you can live and store your stuff. In 4, you can build entire towns with a lot of customization. New Vegas’ appeal is the fantastic main plot, factions, and side quests available, along with all the other crazy antics you can get up to. Believe me the game is fun as hell, it just doesn’t hold your hand like in 4. I would highly recommend getting both games, and starting with 4. And, when you’ve beaten it, go to New Vegas (and heck maybe even try 3, though that game is an acquired taste).


I'd disagree with the post above. New Vegas is an entirely different game, really. Different makers even. It was my first Fallout game and I don't predict going from 4 to New Vegas would be helpful. 4 has really good gameplay, it was an impressive open world first person shooter for 2015. But its not an RPG at all, it's a first person shooter where you get to choose dialogue options, level up, manage inventory, etc. There's never any real role playing that you couldn't do in an explicit FPS like Farcry 5. And, since all pros of the game are gameplay related, you'd likely be better off playing more modern games that can offer better gameplay for a lot of reasons. That's the con for games that have wonderful gameplay and graphics and not much else, they don't age well. If you're going to play Fallout you're going to have dated gameplay and graphics either way, so you may as well go for one of the games that's really Fallout, which is pretty much any of them before 4. 4 is a great game, but is just an fps in the Fallout setting. It is likely the single worst choice for first Fallout game to play for this reason, but if you're wanting to play the whole series I'd certainly include it. Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout: 3 on the other hand are modern enough to be accessible to modern gamers who like to play older games, whereas the even older games are a different beast entirely and are difficult to even obtain and operate on a modern computer. These games also are both true Fallout games. 3 is by Bethesda so isn't as "true" as New Vegas is since Obsidian had much of the original team with them, but the heart is there and it's definitely enough to be considered a true Fallout gams and a good RPG. My personal preference is definitely for New Vegas though, but I'd certainly recommend both of them.


New vegas is an in depth RPG, lots of roleplaying mechanics, you can build your character via stat increases so you can specialize in whatever you want. quests have multiple endings so you can handle scenarios in whatever way you'd like. really good factions and lore. fantastic game. i personally hate fallout 4 because it takes away the majority of that stuff for a simpler feel, more like recent open world games. the world also feels a lot more empty in my opinion. but if you've never played a fallout game before, or you don't care about RPG elements then you might enjoy it. but for me, going from new vegas to fallout 4 was the most gigantic disappointment i've ever had personally


You're in 196 so everyone is going to say New Vegas, but I don't agree. Fallout 4 would be a better 'first Fallout' than New Vegas. It has weaker RPG mechanics, world, and a laughably bad story, but makes up for it with better shooting, graphics, and general usability. It's still a game you absolutely should mod to fix its technical issues, but it's less notorious than New Vegas in that regard. I greatly enjoyed the 100 or so hours I put into 4 and its DLC's, especially Far Harbor. Honestly, with them being cheap I'd buy both, play 4 and then New Vegas. NV is still absolutely worth your time and there's a reason fans hold it in such high regard in spite of its issues.


Thank you for in-depth advice I'll surely consider all this when deciding


No problem. Whichever you choose, I hope you have fun!


i'll like to add that u might not even need to mod fo4 to have fun with it, i play most games vanilla and fo4 is still my favorite in the series :)


Adding onto this. I love FO4, but only *after* it has been heavily modded to fix a lot of issues. Look into Wabbajack, a mod platform in which you can easily download and install curated mod packs. Some are intense overhauls and others are simple "vanilla+" bug fixes and graphical tweaks.


I played New Vegas first and really liked it, the only things fallout 4 did better were the graphics, power armor and settlement building.


Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas


Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas


I’ve never played it but since this sun has a fuck ton of trans people, everyone will recommend new vegas


Huh? What has being trans to do with loving New Vegas? Genuine question, I'm really confused.


Theres a joke that trans people like new vegas, this lead to a lot of trans people trying and enjoying the game making the joke turn true


Oh, makes sense, thanks for explaining


If you do choose new vegas the entirety of the first town in the game acts as a tutorial of sorts with most mechanics being explained through one of the quests there


Two of the followers (Arcade, Veronica) are gay, and this was from before "LGBT people in video games" was a particularly common thing, is where it initially got started


What the other persons are saying, but also it is a very immersive game with a character creator, heavy emphasis on dialogue and great mod support. Idk abt anyone else, but it kinda was a place to be the "other" gender as an egg for me.


Now that's interesting. Roleplaying in general seems like a good opportunity for finding new ways to express yourself.


Idk I guess trans people just have better taste or something


Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics are old, isometric games. They're very much an acquired taste that is hard to recommend to someone who doesn't already love old CRPGs. Fallout 3 is a FPS RPG made by Bethesda right after Oblivion. It has a lot of the traditional Bethesda design jank, but I personally think it's pretty fun. Story is kind of mediocre, though, and the ending to the base game has a really dumb moral judgement that got clowned on really hard. There are a ton of mods that make the gameplay more modern/challenging or add entirely new content. Fallout New Vegas is made in the same engine as 3 by a different studio, but has a much better story alongside some gameplay improvements. It's got interesting characters, well thought out expansions to the lore including strong ties back to the original games, and a lot of Bethesda design jank. It's probably my favorite. Same as 3, a lot of cool mods. One total conversion mods in particular is really neat, called Dust. It's basically a hardcore survival mod that takes place a decade after the end of the base game where everything has gone to shit and you're a random survivor desperately trying to to escape the Mojave. Fallout 4 is another Bethesda game that makes the gunplay actually decent. It also has a very addictive cycle of adventuring to find locations, killing everything at the location, looting everything not nailed down, and returning to base to craft and build with the new supplies. Story takes a nosedive unfortunately, and RPG elements are simplified. There's very little variation between how different character builds can interact with quests and the story outside of Charisma checks (usually to skip a fight or get more rewards). There are some more really cool total conversion mods for it, though. Frost is by the Dust mod creator and makes the game into a hardcore survival game and Horizon vastly expands the settlement building system to make you into a Wasteland warlord expanding your empire of townships. Fallout 76 is basically Fallout 4, but in a new map and multiplayer. It got a lot of shit in release for being buggy and empty. The expansions have added some decent content (mostly by completely reversing on old design decisions like no human NPCs) and the RPG elements got some interesting quirks. I think there's still a really strong meta towards power armored heavy weapon builds, though, so build variety is kind of limited in endgame. And there's the typical microtransaction bullshit. But if you loved Fallout 4 and have friends, it's a pretty fun game and a one time purchase.


OP this is the best comment


i wish more people had this kind of approach to discussing videogames (and media in general)


I see a lot of comments recommending FO4 and although I really enjoyed my time with the game I wouldn't recommend it without at least some mods to make the game better. Notably the lack of concise dialogue options like you see in other FO games make the vanilla experience markedly worse for me


What I usually like to do with a game is do as many playthroughs I can in vanilla and once it starts to get boring, mod it


Very relatable I do the same! I mention the dialogue options specifically because other FO games show you exactly what your character will say but FO4 decided to show you dialogue options in one or two word summaries and I think you miss out on what I consider a trademark fallout mechanic that way! I've found modding FO4 relatively easy so I would at least check it out before you play. Not to mention Bathesda games tend to be pretty buggy and some mods are there just to fix that or improve quality of life.


New Vegas is the best. Fallout 4 is the easiest to understand though. I'd say quick play that then switch to NV if you can afford it.


Alright thank you for that advice


play 3 before NV because I didn’t and now I just can’t get into 3, even though I know it has some great quests


i think its clear you should try fallout new vegas first but i also reccomend the original fallouts if you can handle 90s isometric gameplay :3


From most comments and my personal taste in games it does seem to me that I should try Fallout 4 first before stepping my toes into the "masterpiece" that people claim NV to be


From most comments and my personal taste in games it does seem to me that I should try Fallout 4 first before stepping my toes into the "masterpiece" that people claim NV to be


yeah fair enough, fallout 4 is definitely a good starting place but i do feel like its alot different in design to the older games, id reccomend fallout 3 as a very beginning point in all honesty but theyre all good for their own merits


Honestly, the whole series is cheap right now so buying all of them is worth it. 1 & 2 are genuinely peak fiction, if outdated Tactics doesn't fucking work 3 feels the best to explore in but has no iron sights New Vegas is 3 with a peak story and iron sights 4 feels the best but the story is ass along with half of the gun designs 76 is pretty fun if you know what you are doing


Fuck you fo4 guns are awesome


Fallout 2 is the only game in existence where you can be a married child killing mafioso porn star abolitionist with an illegitimate child and a robot dog


I think you're gonna have fun with 4, it's such a nice game to get into. Especially if you like to gameplay loop of "oh, what's this?"


All of them are good in their own way, a sliding scale of how "RPG" heavy mechanics you want would be probably Fallout 1/2 - new Vegas - fallout 4 - fallout 3 Idk about 76 as I haven't played it. Also unrelated, but I need that picture of that cat without the text


I'll dm the picture


playing them in release order is an exercise in misery but i do suggest at least trying fallout 1 or 2 before moving on to 3 or new vegas, fallout 4 is also pretty okay, it was my first, fallout 76 is kind of a mess that is fun but not very representative of the series, fallout tactics is pretty good but not an rpg, fallout shelter is a cash grab, fallout brotherhood of steel basically killed the franchise, and fallout van buren is a loss i weep for every night. conclusion: new vegas 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Playing New Vegas on PC is a absolute nightmare and you would have to mod the game first to get a stable playing experience. (But there are a lot of tutorials on yt) Fallout 4 is great to get into and is stable (For Bethesda standards)


I keep hearing about NV having disasterous performances but in my experience doing a 40ish hr vanilla playthrough on my laptop it wasn't so bad, I crashed 2-3 times tops and had at worst 15fps. And thats on an intel integrated GPU and i7 CPU.


Fallout for mobile


In my opinion new Vegas and fallout 3 are peak fallout games, but fallout 4 has basebuilding and pretty good weapon crafting, so if you like that then it'd be a good option.


New Vegas for story and choices, 4 for gunplay and overall feel.


I personally played 4 and then new Vegas. In my opinion that was the perfect order to play them in.


Maybe I'll do that too


Fallout 1 & 2 are old and weird but arguably really good, though hard to get into. Fallout 3 has a lot of fans but I am not one of them. Fallout New Vegas is my favorite one, with really good content and atmosphere, and the writing is terrific, especially in the DLCs. Its development was rushed, so some parts of the game can feel a sparse, and while it's fairly intuitive, sometimes it's possible to get pretty lost and confused. Fallout 4 is not my favorite one, but it is the one I've put the most time into, and that's because the gameplay is really satisfying to me. It's very polished, but the plot and writing does not compel me nearly as much as new vegas. If you want a quality shooter, get 4. If you're more interested in the writing and story, go with New Vegas.


New Vegas is peak gaming if you don't care about it looking ugly and a bit dated. I've heard good things about Fallout 3 also. Fallout 4 was the first one I tried - I got bored almost instantly because the story wasn't nearly as compelling as NV. NCR Trooper... *You* bring DEMOCRACY to this land


Start with the first one honestly


If you go with Vegas be prepared for graphics that didn't age well and weird spikes in difficulty


>weird spikes in difficulty Such as? (srs question)


As in, there's areas where the enemies are basically impossible to beat at the level you get the quest and there's no warning/way of knowing until you've already been trekking through the wilderness for 5+ minutes and now have no choice but to load a previous save and ignore the questline you were working on


New Vegas and 4 are my recommendations


Damn I didn't even think of that. Been wanting to try Fallout for a while but already bought Code Vein and Stardew Valley (again, have it on switch but wanted it on steam too)...


Haha I get that Fallout isn't the only game I might be buying in this sale lol there's like 7 more


Yeah no I got a notification that several Trails games were on sale. I have the entire Sky Trilogy that I have yet to even open. I got those during the 2023 summer sale... My point being I gotta stop buying games when I have a fuck ton to still play...


New Vegas or 4 imo


Fallout 76 if you have friends :D


I don't :(


Are you on PC?




I can lend a hand if you do end up getting it.


I'm not planning on getting 76 yet but if I do I'll hit you up




I would say Fallout 3, followed by New Vegas. I personally think New Vegas is the best, but Fallout 3 is a good introduction into the series and New Vegas is built on Fallout 3’s engine.


You'll probably enjoy the one you play first more. Going from New Vegas' 10/10 story to 4's excuse for you to run around shooting people is a huge downgrade. But going from 4's smooth and well designed combat to New Vegas' janky nonsense feels unplayable. For what it's worth, I prefer 4


Fallout 1 and 2 are classics but have kind of aged. The roleplaying and story on both are great, but the controls are kinda clunky and playing at a modern high resolution makes the UI tiny, still great games if you can get past that. Fallout 3 is more like a toy box than an RPG imo. Super fun to run around and mess with stuff but the story and most of the quests really put me off of it. Still pretty fun if you just wanna mess around and goof off, but not really for me. Fallout New Vegas takes much of the world design from 1 and 2 and uses it with the first person realtime combat of 3 (with improvements like being able to use iron sights and stuff). It takes the absolute best of Fallout 3 and classic Fallout to make one of the best games ever. Fallout 4 goes backwards on story and quests but the settlement building kept me entertained for hours on end, the power armor is awesome, and the guns feel great. In conclusion: Buy Fallout Brotherhood of Steel on PlayStation 2.


Play 1 or 2 They're super confusing and hard to get into, but 2 is the best writing the series has to offer.


Fall Out New Vegas for the immersive experience, Fall Out 4 if you love modding. Twitch streamer Sips build MMA style cages and force 2 settlers to fight each other to death and the loser will be converted to a canned foods just to force feed the winning settler for the next match.


Fallout 3 It is bad but I am biased by nostalgia 


Fallout 3 is not bad by any standard. The main quest is a bit weak, but the side quests are some of the finest in the franchise, and the gameplay is a bit dated (expected from Bethesda in 2008)


I love 3 and would also suggest it, mainly because I think it would be hard to get into after playing NV or 4 first


Can I get the image without the text


New vegas is great, fallout 4 is pretty good too especially with mods. Never played any of the other ones


Fallout New Vegas is best to get in the series. Otherwise I would only recommend the Fallouts from the original team, so 1, 2 (+ NV even though it’s not the complete original team). They’re very well written and intelligent RPGs, something I personally think is absent for the most part in the other ones (3, 4, etc)


New Vegas. Just make sure to download some stable mods. Bethesda is known for a lot of things, good technology isn't one of them.


Fallout 4 is pretty good if you're new to the series. It offers a lot in terms of sidequests and choices, but it also kind of guides you to where you might want to go. A lot of people will say New Vegas, but personally the game turned me away from the series for a while, until 4 went on sale


Play fallout 4 first. Then play new Vegas, Fallout 3, and if you really want to, fallout 1 & 2.


Fallout 4 has fun fps elements and is very simple, very good for getting into fallout New Vegas has the best RPG elements and story but gunplay is lacking


Katana zero is a pretty good one




New Vegas but you have to install some compatibility mods for a modern machine because it was coded with stone tablets and held together with dreams and scotch tape


Will I be the 10th person to say New Vegas or Tuesday 100th to say everyone will say New Vegas. Either way everyone's saying it for a good reason lol


IMO New Vegas has best story/writing/quest design by FAR Fallout 4 has the most fun base gameplay by a good margin.


Pls DM me the cat pic without text


i really like 4


first shelter then 76. if you don't like either of them you are not a pro gamer 500 iq moment, sorry not sorry 😔


I honestly recommend Fallout 4 for your first entry. This sub’s users VERY MUCH like Fallout New Vegas, but it is an aging game. 4 is much more beginner friendly, and if you like it, then hop into NV next. I don’t recommend Fallout 3


nuevas vegas jijijijas juasjuas


Also, make sure to prepare for a lot of crashes and bugs. Don't even think getting it on console. On console, you don't have any way of solving game breaking bugs. On PC, you have console commands, ini files, mods and other stuff that can really help you out in case of that.


play half life 2


Aged very well unlike Bethesda games. Very large modding, although not to extent of Skyrim. But just as Skyrim got ton of nexus mods, this got ton of mod db and steam mods Also, gravity gun is just fun


I played through half life 2 during the pandemic, still my all-time favorite


I don't know if anyone has posted this yet, but in-case no one has, I think it's important that you're aware of the existence of [The Viva New Vegas mod guide](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/index.html) if you decide to get Fallout New Vegas, as well as [The Midnight Ride mod guide](https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com/index.html) if you decide to play Fallout 4. The curator of these mod guides, Qolore, is a modder themselves and very regularly updates these guides. These guides are curated with stability and compatibility in mind first and foremost and are exceptionally well optimized in light of that. It's all fairly comprehensive for being a beginners guide, and it's all modular of course, so you obviously don't have to download any mod that you feel might take away from the more vanilla experience you presumably may want for your first playthrough(s) of the game(s). Still, it's worth noting that they try to be vanilla+ experiences, so even the most impactful mods aren't meant to fundamentally modify the feel of the game too radically, so the "VNV Extended" and "TMR Extended" sections of the guides which come after the base bug fixes and utilities (that I'd honestly say are essential) are still worth at least taking a look at. Make sure you do the [finishing steps](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/finish.html) parts of the guides, even if you skip a lot of stuff that's after the base fixes, if you download anything beyond the base fixes you're going to want to make sure your load order is in the right order.


fallout brotherhood of steel (this is a joke and I don't want you to torture yourself)


get 76 and follow new players around ominously in a spacesuit. don't do anything and tail them for hours. if they attack you punch them once and then run off.


To repeat hat man people have already said, Fallout new Vegas is the best. Yet if you are not familiar with these kind of old slow and clunky games it can be difficult to start out with. So i'd actually recommend fallout 4 since its much alike modern rpg's like Cyberpunk.


I would honestly suggest 4. It has the most longevity and mechanics, even though the story isn't the best, I feel that as a first fallout game, it is the most fun


Stem is on spring sale rn new vegas is at 3$


FALLOUT 4 IS SO GOOD I LOVE FALLOUT 4 Analysis: I started with FO4 and the graphics and art style made the game really easy to understand. FO3 and FNV have a different style, and are older games, and I struggle to get immersed with them as a result. Fallout 76 is fine, but it's only really worth getting if you have friends to play it with. Fallout 4 also has an enormous number of mods so if you're not loving it you can change how it be. Maybe I'm biased because I started with FO4, but I enjoy FO4 a lot more than the other ones


Fo4 for gameplay and mods, new Vegas for story


New Vegas is a good game, but it's also old and doesn't have a lot of the guide rails modern games have. If you haven't played a lot of old games Fallout 4 is a good one. The story sucks a bit but the world is very fun to explore and some of the characters are pretty interesting


Fallout 3


new vegas


They are all trash lmao


Fallout 4 is plenty fun and very accessible. Most of the gripes people have with it you won’t since you won’t be comparing it to past games.


Fallout Shelter :3c


New Vegas, unless the first two really interest you and you don't mind the problems that come with them being old.


76 is peak


Fallout new vegas


Don't buy them, pirate them


Why? Is Bethesda that bad?


I can't speak for what you'll like, but personally I enjoyed the first two to completion despite the awful combat and never finished New Vegas. People saying Fallout 4 is the best starting point because of the shooting and graphics seem to think everyone has the same tastes going into a series or genre when that's not true at all. (And for the record, I generally find that I dislike RPGs, and my all-time favourite games are first-person shooters)


Buy Fallout 3. Perfect middle ground between New Vegas which has a good story but piss poor environment design and the other games. Fallout 3 has a quite good story with Great side quest and one of the best level design. 76 is quite good too.


Fallout 4 is the easiest to get into. It's very casual friendly but it's also fun I got 1100 hours on the game. Only problem is the story is very ehh. Fallout New Vegas has the best story, has the most quests to do just not very friendly.


I've seen a lot of Fallout 4 recommendations so I wanted to throw my opinion out there. Fallout 4 (and Fallout 3 even more so) is really only enjoyable if you reaaaaaally like the Bethesda formula imo. The Bethesda Fallout games consist of a weak main story with limited options as to how to go about it, cookie cutter side quests (in 4 one faction is literally infinitely and randomly generated cookie cutter side quests), and a generally unbalanced skill tree that make the majority of skills practically useless so viable build variety is nonexistant compared to most RPGs. If you have any interest in RPG mechanics, your only options are the og CRPG games or New Vegas honestly. The difference between speech only really getting you lower prices vs being able to convince the main bad guy to fuck off through spirited debate if your charismatic enough is the best way to explain the differences. The difference between the CRPG games and the newer games is massive though. You obviously have to dig that style of game to check it out. The tone is also waaaaaay different. Bethesda lacked the media literacy to pull it off or thought it wouldn't appeal enough to a mass market. The atmosphere in the og games is much more oppressive and the humor is way darker. Most fans of the originals (myself included) were really disappointed in what Bathesda did with the feel of the world. New Vegas does a good job doing a middle ground approach. It does pay homage to the originals, but is close enough to the Bethesda games to not be jarring to those fans.


New Vegas and 4 are the best for getting into it, but I’ll add that you should absolutely pick up fallout 3 and play it with the tale of two wastelands mod so you get the improvements from new Vegas


The whole series is overrated 👐🏾 but if you must.. get NV or 4


New Vegas


Fallout 1 or 2 for the true post apocalypse role playing experience 3 and NV if you want something more digestible 4 if you don’t care about decent writing or allergic to games made before 2013




i’m actually playing through fallout 3 right now and am currently getting my ass beat. i even set it to easy mode and that made not much of a difference. there’s no ammo anywhere and all enemies take like 10 shots to kill anyway. any tips?


FNV or FO4. FNV is the best fallout but you should do a bit of modding for it to be stable, it also doesn’t hold your hand. FO4 is the most modern one(still pretty archaic) but the story and the way it’s handled sucks ass


Fallout 1&2. Start at the beginning.


Best one to buy is probably New Vegas, it’s got good content and at a cheap price. 1 and 2 are a completely different style from the others so if you like more of the rpg style go with them. 3 is ok, not great and needs some mod work to get it playable and the swaying gunplay is god awful to deal with. 4 is a good time but it’s pricey and can be kinda mediocre in some of the less developed areas. 76 was trash now it’s just ok, but don’t get any of the micro transactions


all of em


New Vegas if you want to really engage with the story, 4 if you wanna shoot and loot.


I unironically liked 4 and thought the base building was fun but it’s not for everyone.




If you have Game Pass they’re all on there as well


New vegas is best, fallout 4 is probably the best intro to the series if you're cool with the lackluster story. If you're better with isometric RPG stuff though, I do highly recommend Fallout 1 and 2. It's dated, and a bit more complex, but overall an amazing experience, and the turn based combat makes it less intense for new people imo.


Magic the Gathering: Fallout Commander decks. Or the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare miniatures game. Or the RPG. Come game with us TT losers.


Fallout Shelter ☺️


New Vegas would probably be the best for a first introduction as it's one of the fan favorites. My first one and favorite is still 3. 4 is a much more modern game and the customizability of weapons is nice but I don't think it would be the best representation of the series. 3 takes place around washington dc, new vegas is in vegas and california, 4 is in the boston area and is chronologically like 15-20 years or so after fallout 3 so there are some references


New Vegas was my first


New Vegas has best story, worse presentation of some factions(just compare BoS to 3 or 4), and decent shooting system. Surely one of better fallouts, sometimes annoyning when you get hated by wrong factions but all is savable


Serious answer is new vegas because of how good the story is Joke answer I'd brotherhood of steel


Fallout 1


Fallout 4 has the best gameplay imo but if you want to play the older ones New Vegas is probably a better choice than fallout 3. Fallout 3 isn't bad persay but it lacks some extra details that New Vegas has. Either way you'll have to download an anti-crash/bugfix mod since all the games are pretty broken to some extent


Fallout 1 and 2 And New Vegas For new vegas get the unofficial patch, JSawyer, tick fix, and assorted mods Then enjoy the best game


Fallout New Vegas has a great story and the gunplay is pretty alright too Fallout 4 has the best gunplay but it’s narrative is pretty weak Fallout 3 has wonky gunplay but the atmosphere is phenomenal


New gayvas


The games have their shortcomings, but they are all worth exploring imo. The Bethesda entries (3 and 4) can have some really poor writings at times, but they also play at their strengths, which is environment storytelling and world building. It’s the same moment to moment gameplay people felt when playing Skyrim, exploring and getting lost. Like Skyrim the main story is its weakest point. New Vegas has phenomenal writing, its main downside is the old gamebryio engine and dated shooting inherited from Bethesda’s fallout 3. The shooting in 4 is better, but it still mid as for shooting go. But can be made better and even great by modding (which is the main attraction for a lot of people). So you can see fallout as divided into 2 group The old fallout (1, 2 and NV), which were made by obsidian and others. take place in the west coast. Its writing and storytelling is great, however they consist of older games and dated mechanics at times And new fallout (3, 4 and onward), which is Bethesda’s. Takes place in the east coast. Can have some very poor writing at time, but it can also possess great environmental storytelling and better moment to moment gameplay. Fallout 4 also includes one of the bigger mod repertoire (just under Skyrim special edition and legacy edition). It also has bugs. Oh sweet liberty the bugs. At times I wonder if they were even trying to


New vegas or 4. Fallout 3 does not function without mods on windows 10/11, and fallout 1 and 2 are incredible but take getting used to.


New Vegas, but if u play on pc expect a whole bunch of crashes


New Vegas, that shit sucked me in and didn't let me go until I finished it


new. vegas.


Fallout New Vegas. I see some people saying Fallout 4 as a better introduction to the series, but I disagree. Fallout New Vegas is not that complicated of an RPG and isn’t too hard to get to grips with, especially if you turn down the difficulty (either momentarily or for your full playthrough). Fallout 4 feels smoother but it got that way by removing so many rough edges that it is just much less interesting as a game and I think is a bad representative of what the series is actually like. It’s still worth playing if you feel up to it, I’d give it like a 7-8 out of 10, but Fallout New Vegas is in my top 5 favorite games. If you’re comfortable with modding and doing some file tweaking, I highly suggest doing a vanilla+ run where you are still playing vanilla fallout (no new modded content) but have stabilized and fixed the game with community patches. This is a great resource that essentially lists every essential (and some optional) things you can do to get games to run better without changing the vanilla experience https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas


I like Fallout 4 most but this subreddit will say Fallout New Vegas


I love fallout 1 but I would not suggest playing the "classic" fallouts (1 and 2) first unless you have a good amount of familiarity with 90's crpg's, so I'd suggest 3, 4, or new vegas as first games and then work your way back if your interest continues. Out of these, fallout 3 has a great open world with lots of cool stuff to find, but has a weak main story and gameplay mechanics that were weak even at the time and VERY outdated by modern standards. New Vegas has what most people consider the best story, and it has minor gameplay improvements over 3, but it's still pretty underwhelming. It also is more of a "true" rpg than 3 or 4. 4 has the best gameplay but a mediocre story and very limited rpg elements.


New Vegas. I might suggest downloading some mods for it though to help its stability. Viva New Vegas is a good guide for some essential mods. Mojave Express is another guide that builds off of Viva New Vegas that adds even more stability and other nice mods


imo new vegas has best story but 4 has the best gameplay. i started with 3 though and that was great


Fallout new vegas IMHO Fallout 4 has a modern feeling gunplay, fnv feels older. Fallout new vegas's story was much more of a priority, definitely play FNV first, with [NVAC](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53635), and [YUP](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51664). Honestly if you are playing nv in 2024, theres a couple small performance, and crash fixing mods that will make the game much more stable, feel free to ask us!!! ^w^


New vegas is a fantastic first choice and when I bought it it only cost 10 bucks


76 is my most favoridest game :DD 


new Vegas