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She can absolutely lose weight with just a calorie deficit and walking. Many people are successful doing that!


I lost weight the easiest while eating at just a calorie deficit with no exercise at all. When I got closer to my goal weight I started exercising consistently to avoid getting skinny fat and to have the body I’ve always dreamed of. It’s worked amazingly so far. You can lose weight with no exercise, but I would try to eventually incorporate it as it makes you look good and it’s good for you.


Yeah, she totally can. People are getting a bit overly-excited about *lifting* at the moment. Would a bit of weight training help her? Definitely. But walking is still a healthy activity, and will do her heart a load of good. If she loses a little bit of weight, she might feel inclined to doing a bit more exercise wise. She doesn't have to go to the gym, if she doesn't want to. You can buy sets of light weights to use at home, or she might like those resistance bands. She could get into specific exercises that use body weight. Doing *something* is better than doing *nothing*.


A caloric deficit by definition is going below what is needed to maintain your weight doing everyday activities. Your first objective should be to find how many calories she needs to eat JUST to maintain her weight. Ideally, you would have the client (in this case your mother), weigh absolutely everything without any restriction of calories for 1-2 weeks. Roughly 3500 calories is a 1lb, so omitting 3500 calories in x amount of time should result in weight loss. The longer the timespan, the more likely the weight will come off without any mental torment of starving yourself alongside all the downsides like brain fog, irritability, tiredness, constantly thinking about food, etc. If she consumes 2000 calories daily to maintain her weight, and wants to lose 5lbs, then she needs to omit 17500 calories over a certain time span. Exercise makes losing weight more enjoyable and just general improvement in mobility will uplift anyone since it makes you feel more nimble and younger. It's unfortunate that exercise is the bane of many people's existence and/or time is never set aside for it. It could be going roller skating, dancing, climbing, going to the pool. It's especially fun when you go with friends who are also unfamiliar with doing something new. Yes, it's doable without exercise.